Reflective Essay #3 ESTP My personality archetype, according to the Jung Typology test is an ESTP. As an extravert I was ranked in the 84 percentile, sensing 28 percentile, thinking 53 percentile, and perceiving at only 3 percentile. I seem to have no preference of perceiving over judging. Due to the low percentile of perceiving over judging, more than one personality type could apply; I have the tendency to swing between ESTP and ESTJ. Approximately 4.3 percent of the population falls into the category of ESTP. This personality type is very close to my true personality, according to the Human Metrics website, ESTPs are spontaneous, active, and they act on their impulses. Besting my competition is a natural drive for me. Being an
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test provided me with unexpected results. The test showed me that I am more of an extravert over introvert, I have a “slight preference of sensing over intuition”, I have “no preference of thinking over feeling”, and I have “slight preference of judging over perceiving.” These results surprised me slightly while also telling me things I already expected.
She self-professed that she has a Myers Briggs personality type of ESTJ which stands for Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. She focuses on clear direction and setting expectations. She describes herself as competitive in nature and is always looking for areas to become the best in her field.
This assignment assured some parts of my personality that I already knew. But, it also taught me new things about me. The Jung Typology test gave as a result that my type of person is ISTJ; 47% introvert, 1% sensing, 34% thinking and 9% judging. I actually agree with these results because it accurately reflects my type of personality. I am a quiet person that does not often socialize since I feel very comfortable when I’m surrounded by my family and close friends. In addition, my personality tends to be very rational and neutral and most of my decisions are normally ruled by what is logical and not based on emotions. Therefore, a lot of people see me as a cold person. The last component which is judging also resembles a lot on me since I believe that we as humans don’t know what the other people have to go through in their daily lives.
After taking the Discerning Your Personality Shape Quiz, it concluded that I was a circle. Honestly, I was shocked how accuracy some of the information was. The main one being it that as Circle’s we smile a lot. While I might not seem like that in the classroom, outside of the school this is me. Everyone at work and most of my family members always call me smiley. “I often get remarks like don’t you ever stop smiling?” Or “Can you just be mad for once?” Another thing that this test pointed out is that I enjoy working with groups and that I am a people person. I believe that this is accurate because with nursing you have to be a people person and also have to empathize with your patients. Teamwork is a huge part of nursing because we
Based on the personality type exam, it reported me as an ESTJ, meaning I am 53% extroverted, 87% sensor, 67% thinker, and 87% judger. It is said that ESTJ are representatives of tradition and order, and often take the rolls of leadership. The ESTJ personality is often associated with strengths of dedication, strong will, honesty, loyalty, patience, reliable, organized. However, ESTJ also have weaknesses such as, stubbornness, judgmental, difficulty relaxing, and difficulty in expressing emotion.
Recently, I have taken the Jung typology personality test. It showed that I was ISTJ. This acronym stands for introvert, sensing, thinking, and judging. I feel as though the results were thoroughly correct. Introvert perfectly explains the type of person I have been throughout my life. I have always liked working by myself instead of in groups and I have very few close relationships with people. The sensing category was also true of my character because i tend to notice small details and I am a very practical, realistic type of person. As far as the thinking category, I always judge things rationally and
My personality type is ESTJ. Tradition and order represents me., They help to make people understand what is right, wrong and socially acceptable. They help bring families and communities together. They prefer honesty, dedication and dignity. ESTJs value clear advice and guidance. they lead the difficulty paths happily. They take pride into bringing people together. They try their hardest to bring anyone together in cherished celebrations of local events. Traditional values often help them hold families and communities together.
After taking on online quiz to determine my Myers-Briggs Type, I analyze how each preference fits into my professional life in a positive or challenging way. I see the world from an external context; my energy comes from external sources therefore my first preference is Extraverted. I am able to conceptualize a broad view of the world, issues and situations as well as work on multiple tasks at one time as an iNtuitive. I use implications, intuition and an internal value system to gather information which is typical of a Feeler. And finally I seek order, and structure as a Judger personality. This makes up my type as ENFJ.
Specifically, the ENFJ personality is broken down into four areas. The first and most dominant part is extraverted feeling. This is most easily described as warm-hearted extroverts. The second area is introverted intuition. This quality gives us a clear perception of our inner, unconscious psyche. It also gives us the ability to see the best in anyone, no matter the circumstance. The third area is extraverted sensing. Through this quality we are able to implement a plan or vision for a group or ourselves. But, while we manage the data to implement this plan, we also are able to maintain flexibility in the management and use of the data as well as the execution of the plan. Lastly there is introverted thinking, most easily described as the ability to “soul-search.” This is the quietest part of our personality, and rarely used, but is highly developed and can be powerful tool for us
You can see below the results of two personality tests I have taken. The results differ due to the questions asked but the personality types are similar. From me personally, I would say that I am more ESTJ than ISTJ, but I have qualities in both of them. I would guess a 60/40 split. What is interesting is that my personality of ESTJ is the complete opposite personality that would be asked of a teacher. ESTJ is the personality of someone with a supervisor position, maybe a dean or principle would be a more appropriate career for me, but that is not what I have a passion for at this time. I will not let this "most forceful" personality test result stop me from my goal of becoming an educator. Instead, I will grow from this and work with my students'
Part one of the test entitled “What About me” was both insightful and an interesting view into understanding more about how my personality works on The Big Five scale. My score was moderate in extroversion and agreeableness, high in conscientiousness and emotional stability, and low in openness to experience. My high scores indicate that I value harmony, and that I pursue fewer goals in a purposeful way. My low score indicated that I am conventional and like what is familiar. My Jungian personality type is ESTJ which means that I am realistic as well as logical and decisive, and have a natural knack for business. My scores in this section, also indicate that I am an extreme type A personality. This personality type is extremely
To begin, I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment. This assessment has been a reliable source for documenting personality and focuses on four dimensions of personality: extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving (Ledlow & Coppola, 2014). Based on my results, I would be categorized as ESFJ (extraversion, sensing, feeling, judging) personality type. ESFJs focus on the outside world and assess their experiences subjectively. They largely base their judgments on their belief system and on the effects of actions on people. ESFJs are literal and concrete, trusting the specific, factual information gathered through their physiological senses. They are often skilled at bringing out the best in people, and they want to understand other points of view. They are serious about their responsibilities, seeing what needs to be done and then doing it. Generally proficient at detailed tasks, they enjoy doing little things that make life easier for others. ESFJs seek structured, controlled environments, and tend to be good at creating a sense of order. They value the rule of law and expect
This personality trait reflects many strong characteristic in various settings. It is the most driven personality to seeking their dreams. Through different skills they are able to play many roles for examples counselor,
I AM AN ESTJ Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judgment, this personality type represents order and tradition, understanding about what is right and wrong. The theme for ESTJs is “watching”, with a keen eye to the regulations and traditions of the group are hardworking, responsible and efficient individuals, they would naturally give their best for the family, group, organization or culture. Moreover, they develop organizing with commitments and teaching other people on how to be successful. ESTJs also have their own set of strengths and