
Nebosh IGC 1

Satisfactory Essays


Health the absence of disease.
Safety the absence of hazards, risks & serious injury at workplace.
Environmental Protection the prevention of damage to air, land, water and living creatures.
Accident an unplanned, unwanted which lead to injuries, loss and damage.
Near Miss an unplanned, unwanted which has potential to injuries, loss and damage.
Dangerous Occurrence a specified event which must be reported to organization and state.
Hazard Something with potential to cause harm to people and property.
Risk the likelihood of an hazard triggered to an accident by human or machine failure.

2. Barriers to Health & Safety

Budget: …show more content…

Increase in Insurance premiums.

1 Page of IGC-1 Arshad Qazi


Loss of workers Moral.
Financial Losses.
Loss of organization reputation and image.
Loss of industrial relations.

9. Elements of HSMS: POPEAAC

POLICY: A clear statement which describes employer vision and commitment towards safety compliances at all management levels of organization but especially at CEO/GM levels. Policy has three parts statement of intent- signed by CEO/GM,HSE
Organization with roles, Arrangements as general and specific arrangements.
ORGANIZING: A detailed framework of HSE roles and responsibilities with accountabilities from CEO level to downwards general worker level including appointment of HSE management and competent specialists of safety.
PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING: A detailed Arrangement must be made by employer as GENERAL – how organization will manage safety like R/A, Inspections, Audits, Control Measures with review of process after accident/audits and SPECIFIC- how employees will comply safety at organization like specific type of procedures, lone working, emergency, safe systems.
EVALUATION: The methods that monitor and review effectiveness of placed arrangements through Proactive and Reactive
Methods like before and after an accident or audit.
ACTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: During evaluation process of proactive and reactive monitoring, if any short

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