
Needing a Smartphone Today

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In today’s world, the smartphones has become a necessary item. Over the past years technology for cell phones has changed the way we communicate. Today’s technology has made communication with family and friends much quicker and easier. The reason I selected Apple iPhone is because of the innovative technology, how iPhone have changed the cellphone/pda market. It was a ground breaking technology. IPhone were the first phones that were fully web enabled, there were other phones in market that could do web browsing but apple iPhone were the first phone that were had full enabled web browsing. Apple’s iPhone product has been a tremendous success in developing the concept of a smart phone. One might wonder, exactly, how did the success of the iPhone first begin?
“Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. The first iPhone was announced on January 9, 2007 at the MacWorld convection in San Francisco, California. In the late 1970’s, Steve Jobs alongside co-founder Steven Wozniak’s introduced the first Apple computer.”1 In review of all of Apple’s failures and success, the company continued its performance until 1984, where the first advertisement for Apple’s Macintosh computer came into great success. “In April 2003, Job’s expressed his beliefs that tablet PCs were not good choices as high-demand markets for Apple to enter.” He believed cell phones were going to become important devices for portable use and Jobs wanted to show excellent

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