
Non Smokers

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The subjects in this experiment were smokers and non-smokers between the ages of 20- 26. Most of the smokers exercised regularly for more than three hours a week. All non-smokers exercised regularly and most of the subjects in both groups did not consume much caffeine. To analyze the results, an unpaired t-test was used for each cardiorespiratory variable to identify differences during exercise between smokers and non-smokers. For the cardiovascular variables, it was predicted that the heart rate and stroke volume would increase for smokers compared to non-smokers during rest and at peak work rates. In addition, for the respiratory variables, it was predicted smokers on average would have a higher minute volume, lower alveolar ventilation, …show more content…

The heart rate was expected to increase during exercise for smokers. However, the average heart rate at peak work rate for smokers was 170 beats per minute, while for non- smokers the average heart rate was about 179 beats per minute. According to the p-value of .333, there was no significant difference between the average heart rates for these two groups. Similarly, the p-value of .674 indicates that there is no significant difference for average stroke volume at peak work rates between the two groups. Based on a study conducted between healthy smokers and non-smokers, the smokers had a higher heart rate during exercise than non-smokers [7]. The results don’t support the hypothesis as well as the study due to the subjects chosen. The smokers that participated in this study exercised regularly, and some exercised between 5-10 hours a week. Therefore, these athletic smokers might on average have a lower heart rate than normal, which might have reduced the effects of smoking in general. By exercising consistently every week, the left ventricle in the heart begins to thicken and becomes more muscular. As the cavity of the heart enlarges, the heart can hold more blood and therefore during each contraction the heart can pump more blood with each beat. As a result, a lower heart rate becomes sufficient to deliver blood throughout the body

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