
Non Verbal Communication Essay

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Non Verbal Communication | | Drew M. Lubeck | 11/27/2012 | | | | |

C ommunication consists of the following according to Merriam Webster, “: a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.” (Communication, 2009) Criminal justice professionals can greatly benefit by improving their nonverbal communication recognition skills. In this field, it is essential to be able to accurately assess nonverbal communication in dealing with coworkers, and especially clients. While, "nonverbal communication is not an exact science" (Grubb, Hemby, 2003), there are several ways in which we can learn to read the body language of others and therefore better …show more content…

In examining body movements to help us decide if we are properly perceiving a message, is the communicator using illustrators? This may be in the form of demonstrating the dimensions of an object. What about the communicator's affect displays, which are unable to be controlled? Affect displays, which are movements of the face that express emotion, can be used to determine one's truthfulness or to determine what emotions are associated with their verbal message. For example, "Wide eyes and pursed lips in a witness convey that he or she is frightened or anxious." (Grubb, Hemby, 2003). In addition to affect displays, regulators such as nodding the head at a certain speed during a conversation can show us how a person is feeling, therefore helping us to perceive a message. "Slow, periodic nods from the listener indicate that he or she is listening and understands the message, and further, that the speaker should continue talking." (Grubb, Hemby, 2003). Movements like adaptors can help us decide if the person of which we are communicating with is experiencing stress or anxiety. Adaptor behaviors can be in the forms of shaking one leg, tapping the feet, toying with the hair, stroking the chin, etc. While all of these specifics are valuable in judging nonverbal indicators, it is important not to forget posture, gestures, the position of the head, and eye movement. When someone is leaning toward another person, this signals interest as does an upright

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