
Nursing Theories In Nursing

Good Essays

Theories in Nursing

This paper discusses practice, research, and theory as it pertains to nursing. It explains how important research is in nursing practice. The paper talks about mislabeling specimen issues that hospital I work for encountered and examples of similar situations at other healthcare facilities. This paper discuses Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory of nursing care as it pertains to a horrible case study of parent negligence.

Practice Research, and Theory

To Nursing

Practice, theory, and research are three main components that help to define nursing. Nursing practice consists of many things such as being “a caregiver, advocate, educator, communicator and provider of care” (Potter, 2015 p. 6). Professional nursing practice and knowledge have developed in part through nursing theories that help to predict and describe actives for the practice of nursing.
Related and Interdependent and Importance to Nursing
Theoretical models provide frameworks for how nurses practice. Research in nursing is a systematic process that ask and answers questions to generate new knowledge. Once completed, the research process contributes new knowledge to the practice of nursing and help to create the evidence for the Evidenced Base Practice model. Nursing research “improves nursing practice and raises the standards for the profession”. (Potter, 2015, p. 91)
Current Practice Change
Every few months at the hospital I work, proper patient identification is

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