
Nutrition For Nutrition And Nutrition

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Nutrition H.D. seems to be an overall healthy adolescent; however her eating habits do worry me a bit. She seems to be a little bit obsessed with what she puts into her body and her overall body image. Wanting to be healthy is not the problem. “Health care professionals are concerned not only about adolescents who are obese but also about adolescents who have unhealthy attitudes toward eating and toward their body image” (Steinberg, 2016, p. 36). It’s not that H.D. is obese, or even overweight; it’s that some of the things she was saying was leading to a belief that her body image is not strong. She mentioned ensuring she drinks a green smoothie everyday and how she rarely eats lunch at school. It is a healthy option for breakfast to enjoy a green smoothie, especially as a vegetarian, it is important to have a good source of vitamins, especially when protein is added to the smoothie. “Too many adolescents eat too much high-calorie, low-fiber food, and too few are physically active” Steinberg, 2016, p. 35). So it’s extremely healthy for H.D. to monitor her macromolecules as she is, but H.D. talked about these rituals with her body type entwine. She continually mentioned how it was important to look thin; there was almost a superiority clause with her being the healthiest. She mentioned how her friends rarely see her eat; I don’t think that is a health relationship to have with food as a senior in high school. Furthermore, this is a bad relationship to have with food

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