Extended Essay in Group 4 – Experimental Sciences: Chemistry
An Investigation on the Temperature and Environment in Which Commercial Orange Juice is
Stored and its Effect on Ascorbic Acid Content with the Influence of Time
Candidate Number: 000166-XXX
Seoul Foreign School, South Korea
Word Count: 3772
May 2013 Exam Session
000166-XXX 1
Abstract Ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, is considered one of the most essential vitamins for our bodies. With the popular belief that ascorbic acid boosts your immune system, Koreans often search for orange juice and Jeju tangerine juice (an extremely popular fruit drink in Korea) for their vitamin c supplements.
Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that is easily
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16 Conclusion, Discussion, & Evaluation ................................................................................................... 18 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Apparatus 1 .................................................................................................................................. 22 Procedure 1 .................................................................................................................................. 22 Apparatus 2 .................................................................................................................................. 23 Procedure 2 .................................................................................................................................. 23 Calculations 1 & Raw Data ........................................................................................................... 23 Works Cited .......................................................................................................................................... 26
000166-XXX 3
Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present
The Objective of the lab is to determine the mass percent of ascorbic acid in a vitamin C tablet by titration with a sodium hydroxide solution of known concentration. A titration is a procedure in which we measure the volume of a solution of a solution of known concentration that is needed to completely react with volume of NaOH analyzing. A buret is used to measure the amount of NaOH in titration and it is a piece of calibrated glassware used to accurately deliver volumes of a liquid or a solution. To determine when the neutralization reaction is complete by adding an acid-base indicator(Phenolphthalein) and it changes color at the end point. To calculate the mass percent ascorbic acid in the sample by using mass of ascirvuc acid, gmass of sample, g100%.
Abstract: In this experiment, our team analyzed an unknown acid and a sample of vinegar solution by the process of titration using a 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution as the titrant, as this solution is a strong base. In addition, our team members used phenolphthalein as indicator in the reaction.
In order to ensure the most accurate data, a purification was performed by the process of recrystallization. To perform the recrystallization the powder was dissolved in a minimal amount of hot ethanol/H2O solvent that allowed the unknown powder to crystallize properly when cooled. This process allowed for the removal of soluble impurities when suction filtered. A sample of the unknown acid was weighed at 8.24 g, and it was found that 164ml of a 40% ethanol, 60% H20 solvent dissolved the 8.24 g of unknown acid when heated. The
Different colors of light affect the development of plants in different ways. The rate of photosynthesis of each plant will differ depending on the color of the light that is emitted on it. Once the carbon dioxide is produced it will react with the water in the aquatic system, thus producing carbonic acid. We measured the carbonic acid levels with the help of phenolphthalein and sodium hydroxide to conclude that the brighter the color of the light is, the faster the plant will photosynthesize, and thus the lower the carbonic concentration of the aqueous solution.
The experiment was carried out to determine whether the acidity level of the apple fruit changes as it ripens. Malic acid is predominant in the apple fruit (Etienne et al. 1452). The apple fruit is one of the most preferred fruits around the globe. It has pleasing flavor, sweet taste, flesh and its beautiful appearance attract consumers. The fruit’s attractiveness is usually determined by its elements such as size, appearances, color, uniformity, and its non-visual aspects like favor, firmness, healthiness, nutritional value and taste (Espino-Díaz 376). Besides, aroma and firmness are other essential attributes that appeal to the consumers. The organic acids, sugars mainly contribute to the apple’s aroma.
Vitamins B and C are lost in the freezing process. Antioxidants, which protect you from cell damage, are also lower in frozen fruits than they are in fresh fruits
2. Bornstein, M., & Lerner, R. (n.d.). Excelsior College. Retrieved April 19, 2015. From http://academic.eb.com.vlib.excelsior.edu/EBchecked/topic/27533
At the same time, milk is high in saturated fats, while orange juice has a high level of acidity. Suddenly, you think you may be hungry for a scrumptious bowl of cereal. You think to yourself, “Can you even use orange juice as a substitute in cereal?” The resounding answer your conscience provides you with immediately almost makes you gag. Okay, if you cannot use orange juice in cereal, what can you use orange juice in? You can use it to make smoothies, but then again you can use milk to make milkshakes. The nutritional facts and ability to use both beverages in different snacks and meals is beginning to make your decision about which beverage to choose even tougher to make than when you started the whole process.
Another study that was performed examined different prickly pear juices to examine potential antioxidant effects. The juices picked were the most frequently consumed varieties: red-purple, white-green, and yellow-orange. Methods used determined in vitro effects which only give a rough estimate of in vivo effects, but it was determined that the compounds and how they interact give a better idea of how much of an antioxidant the fruit is overall. In this study the researchers treated mice with a chemical that caused oxidative stress, and given prickly pear juice in order to counteract the effects of the oxidative stress. Blood analysis was used in order to examine the amount of protection the prickly pear juice had given to the mice. The results determined that the red-purple colored juice was a better antioxidant than the white-green and yellow-orange varieties indicating that the antioxidant properties may be due to the polyphenols the juices contain since the red-purple variety is
The aim of this investigation is to measure the the storage of beverages at different temperatures (10 °C, 20 °C, 30°C and 40 °C) affect their total acid concentration.
7 Calculation..............................................................................................................................................7-11 Tabulated Result.................................................................................................................................. 12 Discussion............................................................................................................................................... 12-14 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................... 14 References
Students were prompted to do this experiment because they were curious to see if size affected the levels of vitamin C people were getting from oranges. Students hope to learn what size has more vitamin C and be able to inform people which size has the most benefits. The purpose of this experiment is to test the levels of vitamin C in oranges of varying sizes. The students conducting the experiment will do this by using an iodine indicator to test the levels of vitamin C in oranges by adding the iodine substance. The iodine substance will be added to a portion of oranges varying in sizes, the sample will change color and the level of vitamin C will be indicated through the color the sample becomes. The lighter the orange,