Many things have inspired me throughout my life. But when asked who inspired me the most, how can I narrow down to one pivotal person who made a difference more than others? My 6th grade science teacher, seas teacher, and advisor Ms. Attias, she stands out as someone. She made my middle school experience a special one. In this essay I will explain why she inspires me.
Ms. Attias is funny like a clown and smart like a calculator. She has long dark brown and light blond highlighted hair, and is light skinned. The first day I came to Paul Cuffee Middle school I was shy and didn’t like to participate in verbal activities. But she cracked my shell and helped me be a better and open student. Before u knew it I was participating
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Would you still smile if you were mad or tired? I know for sure I would be cranky and sleepy. But no, she is not that of person she cares about people’s feeling while she cares her about hers. Ms. Attias makes sures she not doing something to someone they didn’t like. She corrects herself when she is wrong and off task. Wouldn’t you want to be like that? That is why she inspires me.
That last way she inspires me is because she makes me wanna become a teacher some day when I grow up. Ms. Attias is always engaged in her teaching and leadership. Students may get on her nerves but she just ignores the fact they are annoying, tells them to take a break, or sends them to a buddy classroom. She might tell you to go to a buddy, or take a break but she just does it to help us refocus. I know that someday I am going to work hard, be engaged in what I do, and love what I do. Ms. Attias is just a generous, happy and caring person. That is why this great teacher inspires me.
To conclude, Ms. Attias is just a great teacher. I hope that when I get a job I do great at it. It can be hard to find just one person who inspires you the most. When I was pick this person and picking the reasons I had to really dig deep. Doesn’t Ms. Attias make you wanna try harder and to not doubt yourself? I know she makes me wanna do
I have always found Ms. Branson to be committed to helping our student and any teacher that requests her help. She helped facilitate our study club at Otis for the 5th, 6th and 7th graders for the last year we had the 7th and 8th graders at our elementary schools. She always began by creating relationships with all students she worked with by praising their successes and
“One of the best teachers I have had the pleasure of working with,” Principal Curtiss Tolefree of Washington Middle School confided in me about 6th grade English teacher, Heather Ruha, as I crossed the threshold of her classroom for the very first time.
Most people have or have had a teacher that has inspired them. For me, the teacher that comes to mind is Mr. Rod Edson. There are many great things that describe Mr. Edson, but a few stand out to me more than others. Mr. Edson has inspired me in many ways because he has a great sense of humor, he is laid-back, and he is motivational.
I’ve had the most compassionate and intelligent teacher in the whole Bulloch County area and if you could meet her than you would without a doubt agree with me. Mrs. Amanda Battles has been teaching multiple classes throughout the school but I foremost think of her as my Model UN and Latin teacher. There have been moments in her class where I would struggle to complete her work but she doesn’t scold me like any normal teacher would. She encourages me and pushes me to do my absolute best without any hidden, personal agenda. I’ve had her for multiple years now, ever, since my freshman year of high school and currently, I’m a junior. I can honestly say that no other teacher would be a better nomination for being the best teacher and any other
I have had many great mentors that have stood out in my life thus far, but I have one lady that really stands out. Her name is Tina; I know her better as Ms. Hicks. She is a kindergarten teacher and Glee Club director at the middle school I attended. I came to know her really well when I joined the Glee Club my sixth grade year. She is so selfless and always puts others before herself. I just began watching her one day and realized that I wanted to be just like her. I began to volunteer in her classroom the last period of the day because I want to be an elementary school teacher as well. I decided why not learn form the best. Throughout the year, I learned so much from her. She taught me that students can learn and have fun while they
Through twelve years of school the teacher that stands out is my band teacher, Amanda Posey. She made me a better person, helped me grow up, and taught me many skills that I will use. She has made a positive impact and difference on my life. Posey has a passion for teaching music, teaches life lessons, and challenges her students making her an amazing teacher.
My high school art teacher, Jackie Tingle, inspired me to create and further my education in art. Through her constructive criticism and her wonderful teaching skills she easily allowed me to develop my own skills as an artist. In a world full of two-dimensional characters, I found it amazing that she was a successful artist. Before I met her, I did not know it was even remotely possible to have a career in art. To this day, I still have respect for her and how she carries herself. Even at times when students treated her disrespectfully she remained professional.
Morris inspires me to be a better mom, leader and wife. It seems far-fetched, but she is everything I want to be as an adult. She impacts me positively every single time I walk into her classroom. By ensuring that every single one of her kids feels loved and capable, she would be the first person I put on my dream board to follow in the footsteps of. She is the perfect model of love, and as a leader, I strive to put forth my best effort, just like she does. My experience with her has led to an unbreakable bond, with treasured values that will carry me through college. Mrs. Morris is one of the main reasons I decided to apply for Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow; She inspires me to reach new heights and take on challenges that I wouldn’t always take on, making me the dreamer I am
There is a quote that I have embraced during my professional journey I like that state, “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased”. As a product of the Muscogee County School district, my life mirrors that statement. If it were not for my awesome teachers I would not be the person and teacher I am today. Growing up poor, I lived in Wilson Apartments and attended Fox Elementary School. It was my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Vignery that ignited my passion to become a teacher. She would always hold my hand and made me feel loved despite my many issues. As a result, I wanted to pass this love to my students. I cannot remember not one single thing that she taught me, but I will never forget how she made me feel. I find myself holding
My teacher inspired me to go above and beyond my normal capabilities, and to reach out to others that were in distress. He inspired me to become a better leader, a better person, and a good role model for many kids in the classes below me. David Glasscock was his name, he is a generous man he invests in other to provide them with the tools necessary to be successful. Without his words of advice, I most likely wouldn´t be the same person that I am today.
Wiest took the time to listen to my troubles and work with me outside of class. She even invited me to come drink tea in her office if I needed a break or was not feeling well. But more importantly, she helped me put everything into perspective and I made some tough decisions. I cut down on my work hours, took a few months off from orchestra, took less volunteer opportunities, and learned to prioritize my responsibilities. Mrs. Wiest also helped me with my work when I was falling behind and let me take her finals at different times to balance my work load. I panicked when everything got difficult, but she supported me. If any teacher has made an impact on me during my academic career, it was certainly Mrs. Wiest. She goes above and beyond for her students and wants everyone to succeed. With her help, I was able to succeed during a very rough
She is a great inspiration to me, and inspires me even more to become a teacher.
She explained positive parts about being a teacher as being able to do what you love with growing children. As children go through stages of development, it is a good feeling to see what they are going to become in the future. She explains the bond she has with her students as one of the greatest feelings in the world. In early childhood, being their first teacher can have a major impact on how well they are going to do. Being able to create a good well-educated start to education is important. She explained that she wants to be able to educate children in the best way she can because the outcome of seeing them succeed is amazing.
It wasn't until she went to do fieldwork in schools, that she decided to become a teacher. She realized, through inspiring teachers and students she worked with, that she wanted to do just what every teacher that inspired her to do. She wants to be seen as a positive role model to her students and teach them how to cooperate with each one another. She wants to leave the great impact that each of her teachers has left on her, and she wants to have a positive impact on their lives. Getting to know a student and understanding their lives and possible hardships they face, can have a huge impact on how a student views you. Being there for your student, being supportive, being understanding, are just a few qualities all teachers should
Her class of teachers take their jobs very seriously, and do not tolerate students who skip or disrupt their classes. These teachers are fun, because once you get them off on some irrelevant tangent, they will keep themselves going on it for entire class segments, trying to get out years of thought and consideration in just a short period of time. This is how I got to know my psychology teacher, because I was the one who kept her talking, so that the class could avoid taking the quiz that none of us had studied for. Teachers like her have the innate gift to educate and entertain, with their comprehensive lessons and subtle quirks.