
Persuasive Essay On Social Media

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teenage girl decided it would be acceptable to send a provocative photo of her to a guy that she had a crush on in school. Since Snapchat photos merely last a few seconds, she would send it to him on there. Only he will see it, she thought as she clicked the send button. Minutes later, she received a notification stating that he had taken a screenshot of her photo. The guy convinced the girl that the photo would only be viewed by him. The following day at school, the girl began to be harassed, and it seemed like everyone knew something that she did not. A teacher pulled her aside and advised the girl that she had seen a provocative photo of her on a number of students’ cell phones. That photo she thought would be safe was now set out in the open for everyone to see. Social media will never completely ensure one’s privacy. Once a photo is made public to the internet, it is out there somewhere forever. Snapchat, the social media app, provides a false sense of security and privacy for its users. Temporary photography is utilized via this application to communicate with others. When a photo is sent on Snapchat, the user has the control of the amount of time that the receiver can view the photo, one to ten seconds. Then, the photo disappears on the smart device, but the other person is able to screenshot that photo and do what they wish with it. After a photo is sent out to another person, the sender has no control of what is done with the photo. Snapchat is a hazardous social

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