IV. ATTITUDES IN THE WORKPLACE Attitudes are thoughts that you have accepted as true and that lead you to think, feel, or act positively or negatively toward a person, idea or event. They represent an emotional readiness to behave in a particular manner. (Reece) Positive and negative attitudes affect how you work and how you influence other people around you. These attitudes can absolutely be changed though because we are not born with those attitudes. We form them as time passes, depending on the situations that we have been through. For instance, if you had a job where your supervisor was racist toward you, you would begin to form a negative attitude about supervisors thinking that all of them are going to be racist. Instead, you can change your attitude by thinking that not everyone acts the same way. A positive attitude can make a difference between an amazing life and a nonsense one. Therefore, a lot of people should try to change their attitude to a positive one. In addition, attitude is the way we behave and the way we react to daily situations. For example, every one of us has passed through a difficult situation but that does not mean that we are going to put a negative attitude to what we do after that situation because we can influence people around us. For instance, if we got to work with a negative attitude because we got into an argument with someone, that could lead to a bad day for everyone because you are going to let out your frustration against
In the case study titled Walt Henderson, Walt Henderson works for a drafting company along side thirty other technicians that are supervised by two inspectors. Walt is demonstrating issues of a negative or unfavorable attitude at work. According to this class’s textbook “Attitudes are evaluative statements – either favorable or unfavorable – about objects, people, or events” (Robbins, and Judge 66). The study at hand, shows that Walt is a hard working individual that at times takes his work home to ensure projects are completed on time. In doing so, he finishes work quickly at the job and proceeds to work on personal matters in the office. Walt believes that because he completes his work early by using his personal off time that he has the right to work on personal matters in the work place. Doing personal work at the work place violates some of the rules of the work place and has been instructed to him by his supervision on the matter in the past. This paper will answer a few questions that are: What is Walt Henderson’s attitude toward work? What are the main components of Walt Henderson’s attitude toward work? If Walt Henderson becomes dissatisfied in his work, what is he likely to do about it: exit the organization, voice his dissatisfaction, remain loyal, or neglect his work? And lastly, what can Walt Henderson’s supervisor do to ensure Walt’s job satisfaction without endangering
In general, our attitude towards an object, person or idea is pre- determined by external factors. It is almost impossible to have a neutral attitude. Our family, friends, society or media are several examples of having an impact on our attitude towards an object, issue or person. Besides this aspect, attitude has a significant and highly impact on our purchase behavior.
Employee’s attitude is affected by management and their leadership style. According to Chris Miksen in his article entitled, “How the behavior of Company Managers can affect the Behaviors of their Subordinates,” States that, managers, who are loud and abrasive cause subordinates to become loud and abrasive. He pointed out that employees who either flourished or succeed as opposed to those who do not, is due in part to managers and supervisor who guide the company.
furthermore, to change attitudes there are specific techniques to follow, the first technique is the one-sided and two-sided messages, which is basically either presenting one side of the message
They find fault with their work performance, appearance, career progress, socioeconomic status, educational background, and so on.
In other to have a panoramic understanding of this terminology, a conceptual clarification would suffice. What is an attitude? An attitude can be described as an expression of favor or disfavor towards a person, place, thing or event which is as a result of either a negative or positive evaluation of the object of affect. Employees have viewpoints about many aspect of their job, career, Organization. The above explanation gives us the idea that attitude can either be positive or negative. Thus employee attitude can be described as an employee’s expression either positive or negative towards his/her job, career or organization.
Attitude is an important psychological attribute of an individual which shape their behavior. Attitude describes an individual’s feelings, perceptions, way of viewing things, different views, opinions, thoughts and predisposition to act towards some object in the environment.
An attitude may be defined as a feeling of favorableness or unfavorableness that an individual has towards an object (be it a person, thing or situation). A wider definition of attitude sees it as “an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment” (Hawkins, Best and Coney, 2004). More specifically, “attitude refers to knowledge and positive or negative feelings about an object or activity” (Pride and Ferrell, 1991). The study of consumer attitudes is exceedingly imperative for a marketer because an individual with a positive attitude towards a product/service offering is more prone to make a purchase. In terms of consumer behavior, an attitude is reflective of a consistent favorable or unfavorable feeling that a consumer or a prospect forms as a result of an evaluation about an object; the object being, a product/service offering, brand, price, store and dealer, salesperson, advertisement, promotion etc.
1. An attitude is a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of either favor or disfavor. This idea is important in how it relates to individual behavior. Attitude and behavior almost have a causal relationship. This correspondence depends on attitude specificity, attitude relevance, time of measurement, personality factors, and social constraints (Nelson 124). A bad attitude could be caused by greater issues such as lack of motivation, minimal feedback, lack of trust in management, etc. It is important to understand these possible underlying issues in finding techniques for managing a team of people. Attitudes are learned emotions. The responses we have to people evolve over time and are great affected by direct experience and social learning. In a study by Timothy Judge it was found that a “core self-evaluation, correlates with employee job satisfaction. They also found that one of the primary causes of the relationship was through the perception of the job itself. Thus, it appears that the most important situational effect on job satisfaction is linked to core self-evaluation”(Saari & Timothy 396). As evidenced it is a personal mindset that determines job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is also related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
With reference to appropriate consumer behaviour models and theories explain how marketers try to generate positive attitudes towards brands. Your answer should make frequent use of examples of the marketing activities of an organisation of your choice.
Internal thoughts or feelings provide motivation for people to behave in a certain manner (Spector, 2012). In the work environment, attitudes can indicate an employee’s feelings towards coworkers, superiors, and position within the organization or a desire to realize a goal (Rodell, 2013; Spector, 2012). Although attitudes are internal, they can affect how an individual behaves. Therefore, behavior, whether good or bad, is often the way in which an employee responds to his attitude toward his position in the company (Rodell, 2013). There are different viewpoints of motivation. One perspective considers direction, that is, choice of specific behavior, intensity, or amount of
In literature there are several definitions of attitude. According to Legendre (LaFortune & Saint-Pierre, 2001, pp. 30-31) an attitude "is a state of spirit, an inner disposition acquired in relation to himself or to the whole element of the surrounding environment that incites a way of being or acting, favorable or unfavorable ". For Morissette and Gingras (1999) an attitude is "an inner disposition of the person that translates into moderate emotional reactions that are assimilated and then tested whenever the person is placed before an object; These emotional reactions lead her to approach the object (to be favorable) or to depart (be unfavorable)”.
An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event-- this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question.
Attitudes determine the meaning of facts and situation. An individual may protect his or her attitude by rationalizing about facts that conflict with the attitude. Attitudes become substantiated by the organization of fact. An individual perceives and communicates facts which confirm his or her attitudes and ignore facts. They affirm and protect self-esteem and protect the individuals from acknowledging undesirable realities in themselves. Individuals may deny undesirable aspects of themselves such as lack of commitment to work demands that require independent knowledge. Attitude expresses the self in that they can express the individual’s central values and
Our attitudes are a large factor in our day to day lives. If we wake up jovially, then we are most likely going to have an enjoyable day; but if we are upset the chances of having a good day are slim to none. The same concept applies to the work we perform. When we have a positive attitude, we will be willing to “work hard” and appreciate what we are accomplishing. However, if we are down in the slumps, we consider our work to be “hard work” and naturally the amount we care decreases. The attitude we have as individuals when working determines if we are “working hard” because we genuinely care about our work instead just of performing “hard work” that delivers insignificant or no personal reward.