
Positive And Negative Reinforcement : Two Major Causes Of Problem Behavior

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Major causes of problem behaviors There are two categories that the causes of problem behavior can be divided into; operant and respondent. Operant causes can also be divided further into two more categories; positive and negative reinforcement (Martin and Pear, 2016).
Indicators that attention maintains a behavior includes, whether or not attention reliably follows the behavior, whether the subject looks at or approaches a caregiver just before the behavior, and whether the individual smiles just before engaging in the behavior. Behavior can also be maintained by self stimulatory (automatic) positive reinforcement. These are reinforcing without producing any consequence that another person can control or detect. In addition, external sensory reinforcement can also maintain behavior. This occurs when the individual continues the behavior undiminished over numerous occasions even though no social consequences are obtained. Social negative reinforcement is yet another variable that can maintain behavior. These most commonly take the form of escape from demands. Furthermore, problem behavior may be maintained by internal sensory negative reinforcement, which consists of eliciting a problem behavior that decreases the sensory of an unpleasant response. Some examples of this may be binge eating, scratching, biting, etc. External sensory of negative reinforcement can maintain problem behaviors by allowing the escape from an external sensory stimulus. Such as squinting

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