
Potential Environmental Impacts of Utilization of ConocoPhillips Fuel Efficient High Performance (FEHP) Lubricant Applications in the Automotive Indu

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Potential Environmental Impacts of Utilization of ConocoPhillips Fuel Efficient High Performance (FEHP) Lubricant Applications in the Automotive Industry

In some shape or form, nearly all aspects of American life contribute to unnecessary exploitation of natural resources. The automobile is a staple of American life and culture, and perhaps best exemplifies Americans’ dependence on gross quantities of raw materials. On any given day, over 235 million vehicles travel 11 billion miles on U.S. highways, consuming nearly 20 million barrels of oil daily 1,2,3. Worldwide, oil consumption has reached a 16-year high of 80.6 million barrels per day 17. Most important of all, proven oil reserves around the world only provide roughly 40 …show more content…

Various serious environmental catastrophes may result from continued global warming, one of which is rising sea levels due to the melting of polar ice caps. For the most part however, the global climate system is far too complex to make accurate predictions, but this does not mean that such issues should be ignored. Rather, we should proceed with caution.

Furthermore, rising consumer popularity and low fuel efficiency make for a lethal combination with regards to SUV’s and light trucks. In 1975, SUV’s and trucks accounted for only about 13% of vehicles purchased. The EPA has estimated that SUV’s and trucks will make up nearly 4 times that much in 2004 - 48% of total vehicle sales. Trucks and SUV’s are less fuel-efficient than other automobiles, getting an average of 17 miles per gallon compared to about 25 miles per gallon attained by passenger cars 6. According to these fuel economy and consumer trends, fuel consumption in the United States is only going to increase in the near future. In turn, global climate change will likely grow accordingly with increased CO2 emissions from added gasoline consumption.

Consumer demand for gasoline is an incredibly strong market force, strong enough that many consumers continue to buy the fuel regardless of market price. As of May 10, 2004, average gasoline prices are at an all-time high of $1.941 per gallon across the nation, and up to $2.21 in California 7. Yet

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