
Project Management

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1. What are the reasons the author advances the project management to be considered an "accidental profession?" The twelve guidelines are presented in no particular order. Order them by level of importance and explain your reasoning 2. Where would you place yourself in Figure 2? 3. A few of the guidelines are related to the need to understand the reason for the project in the first place. Which guidelines would you place in this category? Why is this so crucial? 4. Why, in lesson 9, is always thinking about" what if" so important? 5. Lesson 12 warns about not planning enough but also about spending too much time planning. How do you draw the line? 1. The authors reasons for …show more content…

If all these ten guidelines are followed and carried out well, then your team should be leading the pack and should have minimal team conflicts. 2. After reading over figure two, I would believe that my political characteristics would most match with sensible. I am a very reasonable person who likes to see things from all angels before making a decision, making sure my input is heard as well as accepting and considering the will of others. 3. The guidelines I would place in this category of understand the project is enthusiasm and despair is both infectious, remember what you are trying to do understand what success means. When the project first starts, everyone is always the most passionate and spirits are high for everyone who is onboard has the same vision. But, as the project goes on, changes have to be made, and sometimes that vision can change. If the team does not continue to share this same vision, then they would never be reaching the success they first hoped to achieve, making it difficult to move forward with the team. 4. By having to always thing "what if" about your project, you keep constantly striving and thinking about improvements. Carrying out a large project is a long process that has to evolve over time to stay under budget or finish on time, or just keep up with the times. Although it is important to always look back on what has been done and what

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