
Proposal for SBS 2011 Essay examples

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Here at Knight Lite, commitment to long term operations is of great importance. Taking pride in a growing customer database and knowing how well business has flourished are two key factors in determining how current operations are beginning to show age and are no longer fit for the company. Technically, the current in-house systems are running Windows 2000 Pro and are centrally connected to server, with a Small Business Server 2003 configuration. A migration to newer operating systems highly recommended in order to achieve optimal work performance, with all terminals upgrading to Windows 7 Enterprise and the server over hauled to Small Business Server Standard Edition 2011.
Knight Lite provides first class, 24 hour concierge service. As …show more content…

Attached is a sample list of requirements for Small Business Server 2011 and comparison to the current existing setup (Microsoft Technet):

Hardware Knight Lite SBS 2011 Requirements
Processor Pentium IV 1.6 GHz x86 Quad core 2 GHz 64-bit (x64) or faster

Physical Memory 1 GB of RAM 8 GB of RAM
Storage Capacity 80 GB 120
Optical Disc Drive CD-ROM DVD-ROM

As far as hardware requirement, the real world cost is not too much. A decent home-based server would range in cost from roughly $400 to $500. The Small Business Server 2011 operating system, however, currently sells for about $1,000. The software cost can rise, depending on the amount of CALs (Client Access Licenses) that are purchased. Customers can acquire additional 5-packs of CALs for the number of users or devices they wish to connect to Windows Small Business Server 2011 through Microsoft at about $360 (Microsoft Online Store). With that in mind, Knight Lite as a company would need to pay around $2,000 to cover all the users and their devices. Despite the initial cost to migrate to Small Business Server 2011, there are quite a few benefits that greatly outweigh the negatives, one of these being the configuration of the server and the user access. Attached is a screen shot of the standard task list that is automatically displayed when the installation of the server operating system is completed, but not configured (Stevens):

The standard console

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