
Questionnaire Prototype Made By University

Decent Essays

First step was to review the questionnaire prototype made by university. Intended users would be students and academic staff. Decision was made to create a Context of Use - wrote the actual conditions under which the survey will be used. Through further evaluation we identified the main requirement which was also a technical constraint – an electronic/online rather than paper-based survey which will have to be responsive on various devices.
To select the most effective and relevant research design, the team used a so called “Research Onion” (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students, page 83, year 2015). As the most suitable research design for this project we selected the non-experimental because it can be …show more content…

By designing it well we will minimise the disadvantages of lack of personal contact and potential low response rate. Once we analyse the questionnaire results, a planned focus group session should partially balance the lack of personal contact. Time horizon is cross-sectional which means that the data will be gathered just once over period of weeks, to answer the questions. The research method our team applied is mixed, both quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus groups). Survey will help us to find out how the end users perceive the draft evaluation questionnaire made by university. The results, even though more generalizable, will be easy to analyse and implement into a new prototype later presented to the focus group. More in-depth findings from the focus group, less generalizable, will be then implemented into final version of the Module Evaluation Questionnaire.

After creating 1st draft of the online questionnaire for our group project which involved defining the target respondents, choosing the method of reaching the target respondents, deciding on question content and wording, and pre-testing, it has been reviewed by the Module Tutors. Following their feedback, advised changes were implemented and questions edited, and the finalised version (Appendix B, p.) uploaded online onto Google Forms. The

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