
Rational Emotive Therapy Essay

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In our class textbook Practical Psychology for Pastors, I also learned about Rational-Emotive Therapy. “In the 1970s another major approach to counseling emerged. The first popular form, introduced by Albert Ellis, was known as rational-emotive therapy (RET).” (Miller, 84) Albert Ellis was known for thinking that wasn’t practical in this approach. “Ellis’s method emphasized ‘irrational beliefs’ as the source of human suffering, seeking to identify and change such beliefs.” (Miller, 84) Albert Ellis’s beliefs were those that were antireligious, but still able to widely effective all people. “Research shows, in fact, that clients’ religious imagery can be integrated into cognitive therapy with beneficial results.” (Miller, 215) Even though this therapy is controversial with some clergy members, because of the antireligious connection to the origins of this therapy, this method is effective for both Christian Counselors and non-religious counselors. The success of this therapy is also widely effective in decreasing depression amongst those who participated in it. Research has also proven that Rational Emotive Therapy can be done with those who are religious without interference in their beliefs. (W. Brad Johnson, 131)
There seem to be numerous studies on Rational Emotive Therapy and religion. This is a controversial connection for some people, …show more content…

In this session we focused on what Jean thought and what she felt in her relationship with Marc. She was able to openly express aspects of her marriage, which prior to the sessions was something that she kept private. She was also able to dispute irrational thinking that she formerly participated in. Her feelings were caused by irrational thoughts because she had been taught not to speak about things that she needed to release. This created an overflow of blockage and no outlet to discuss matters with trusted

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