Many schools have begun to force their students to participate in two or more after school clubs. However, demanding students to join an extracurricular club should not be allowed as it goes against the ideals that extracurriculars hold. After all, school clubs are meant to be a fun, stress free way of meeting new people and bettering one’s self, but when schools force students to join them, they just become more school. Students shouldn’t be forced to join after school clubs because they may not have enough time, it may increase stress, and it could greatly affect a student’s studies. Students already have very little free time between schoolwork, their social lives, and spending time with their family, let alone the after school clubs they join by choice, but adding mandatory clubs would make it impossible to focus on more important things. According to James Roland, “When much of a young person’s life is scheduled, little time remains for the carefree moments that foster discovery and imagination” (Roland). If students were forced to join two extracurricular activities, these carefree moments would be replaced by involuntary work. A student’s life is very scheduled, and taking away another portion of their day would only create more work. Also, “...This structured and planned life will make your child burdened at a young age with frustration and workload” (Reddy). With the addition of mandatory extracurricular activities, a student’s life becomes extremely
During my sophomore year at bowie high school, I was not sure about joining a club, for I thought it would affect my school work. I feared that it would take up the time I needed to study and complete
Some activities may require an attendance of once a week, while some require three days a week. Activities that requires strong commitment, such as soccer and basketball, are not only time consuming but are also physically and mentally draining. For example, a student maybe required to attend training for four hours a day and three times a week. By the time the student returns home, he would be extremely tired after attending school for six hours followed by strenuous four hours of training. Furthermore, the student would have to spend another one to two hours completing assignments that are due the next day. Hence, teenagers would not have any time to sit back, be relaxed and be bored as they would be busy trying to balance the limited amount of time needed for both studies and after-school
Extracurriculars are there for students to enjoy activities other than their academics, but it is also a way to shows that they can focus on education and outside life at the same time. Some students do not take school seriously enough. Coming to school might just be a way for athletes to participate in the sport they want to. Not every students has exceeding academic skills, however, anyone can succeed if they just try. Being able to multitask will behoove the students in the future. Undergraduates tend to separate their school and outside life. Older adults do this as well; but instead of school, it is work they have to worry about. During exam week, students will want to study and it will take away their eating and sleeping time. Eating and studying is a vigorous way to
Many students entering high school fear to participate in extracurricular activities due to fear that teachers and parents place in their mind about the importance of success in high school will mean to their future. Little do these students know that participating in clubs, such as F.F.A., will culture them to be knowledgeable, desirable students not only to their high school but also to colleges. Being a member of the F.F.A. will open many doors for students future- from grants and scholarships to internships. F.F.A. is a nationally recognized organization known for members integrity and hard work this grants members a leg up in their
With a regular schedule for all these students, everyone is expected to simply do the work at home, and come back to school to turn it in and receive more and do the same process over and over. But when there are other activities a child can be involved in, it makes routines have a slight change. Especially if these certain “activities” are being a requirement and not just an option because there are always students who never try new activities and miss out on opportunities. Therefore, students should be offered extracurricular activities in their schools because it gains skills and builds pride to be successful academically in Anaheim. In the documentary, “Mad Hot Ballroom” the director, Marilyn Agrelo, states that “the kids that are
If they aren't stressing it would help the relax and not make them rush through their studies. It would give them more time to study instead of having to go to work and take away from their time of learning. Also it would give them time to for extra studying so they can make a better grade on their exams. Having all this extra time they could also get together with their friends and have study sessions together so if one person didn't know something they could help the other
Since Early College High School was founded in the year 2006, the school and its students have always been at disadvantage. The school has lacked several opportunities such sports, scholarship opportunities, etc. However, a topic that has been the spotlight of discussion amongst students over the course of eleven years has been the lack of extracurricular activities. This problem does not only affect students, but it rather affects faculty members as well. Although there has been a slow but gradual increase in solving this problem, this change has come forth at a lengthy rate. It has been 11 years since change has been prompted, and although the current students are benefiting from this change, there have been several generations of
If students demonstrate these qualities they are more likely to get better grades and get reprimanded less. Students who participate in extracurricular activities or are more active in society and school are much more likely to do better in their academic experience. “During the first semester of their senior year, participants reported better attendance than their non-participating classmates--half of them had no unexcused absences from school and half had never skipped a class, compared with one-third and two-fifths of nonparticipants, respectively.” ( Meaning that many students who participate in clubs do better in school. Many clubs in schools require all four of the qualities and more. Also, as students usually feel a sense of ennui in their classes, they will be more excited as the day goes by if they have
Many students do not have enough time due to the countless hours doing excessive school work. Students have assignments that can and
These activities include clubs, sports teams, and jobs. There are a few remedies to the problem however. One example is busses that have wifi so student athletes can work on homework while on their way to a sporting event (Hoffman). Another cure is that clubs and sports can meet before school (Hoffman). The challenges that are presented to the students who participate in after school activities have a great benefit. While participating in these activities, the students can learn how to manage their time. The idea of time management is a key life lesson that students can be taught by later start
Some of the students could be facing stressors at home such as a death in the family or possabily their parents could be getting a divorce.
I. For example, sports do not end until later in the evening therefore students do not really have time for their homework.
Holland, A., & Andre, T. (1987). Participation in extracurricular activities in secondary school: What is known, what needs to be know? Review of Educational Research, 57(4), 437-466. Holloway, J. H. (1999/2000). Extracurricular activities: The path to academic success? Educational Leadership, 57(4).
It becomes a problem to manage time effectively and distribute it to have balance. A lot of students are used to leaving all the work for the last minute. They follow a false idea that everything can be done before the deadline. However, it is not the case with education. Procrastination makes students do things halfway and not retain all needed information.
It is important for adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems. “They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. These activities create well rounded children who learn what their interests and talents are because they have been exposed to such opportunities” (Extracurricular Activities, Blogadmin). For most adolescents extracurricular activities should be required among what they do outside of school.