
Reflection Of An Essay Writing

Decent Essays

As I emphasize to the resources that can assist myself and any fellow nursing student having difficulty with the highlight of an Essay writing. First, they are many books provided for us in the College Library or public Library. I will use the Writing Lab (with in the College), for my future work, to see where my strength and weakness are and how to excel in my writing skills. After scrolling through the website, I found needed information from the Amherst College-Writing Center, Online Resources for Writers. It outlined and explained with the assistance of a directory of web pages on the specifics of College Essays. I will read and take notes on what is needed within certain foundation of writing skills to help me with improving my …show more content…

What I learned from the paper were that no matter how complex situation are, they must be made with prompt action and within the best care of handling the patient. I cannot go on my opinion because this is where ethical issues can take place, but on using critical thinking or thinking out of the box in a humane manner for the care of the patient. I learn that with struggle comes with a setback sometimes and to master them, we need to take constructive criticism as to learn from, correct it and move on. What I learn from the overall experience was nothing of the unusual, but of what I needed to focus on and to work diligently within becoming an outstanding nurse for myself. What this mean to me are that I need to step my writing skills up and be more focus as to correctly get my papers evaluated by the writing lab or by my Instructor or the website provided to us on grading essay papers. I know I have great Ideas on how and where I will like my papers to flow when given an assignment. I know I needs assistance in being able to express my objective on what I am writing and even to relearn techniques that I may have forgotten that will improve my writing for the future. This will contribute me in having the ability to speak in a well-informed

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