
Safe Technology In Toddlers

Satisfactory Essays

In today’s blog post I am going to be looking at the guidelines for safe technology use in toddlers. As a mother of toddlers in a technological world, I feel that technology use with my little ones is somewhat unavoidable and sometimes a necessity. I often feel like I am bombarded with conflicting advice on how to safely use technology with my little ones in a healthy way. I have compiled a list of the top four guidelines that I feel have met a consensus and are supported by research and can be easily understood and followed. I have taken these guidelines from Screen Sense: Setting the Record Straight , Zero to Three, and from NAEYC, you can follow the link for a more in-depth look at these resources.

1. Limit Screen time to one hour a day.
2. Make shows and apps educational and meaningful.
3. Use screen time as a chance to interact with toddlers.
4. Make connections between what is being viewed and real-life experiences. …show more content…

This gives meaning to what the toddler is viewing. This is an idea frequently discussed in my education classes; making learning meaningful by connecting it to the student’s real-life experiences. In my future classroom, I will be sure to keep that aspect of relating media to my students’ real-life in mind. Making connections is so important in order to make learning meaningful and to aid in student understanding. It can be so easy to put on a video or link students to an app and assume they will understand the big ideas presented in it. Making a point to discuss the media after it has been used and make connections with it will be vital to my students’

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