Lesson Construction Template
Introduction and Objective
We live in a world where we constantly want more information about everything. If you don’t know something, we just “Google it”. Where do you think all of this information comes from and how is it all organized for print? Authors out there are finding the facts and presenting them to you, the reader.
Link: https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/01/08/18/29/entrepreneur-593357_640.jpg
Today 's lesson objective is: Students will write informative and explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Sometimes you will be given the task to research and write about a topic. Maybe you already have been asked to do this. Open your digital notebook and write down some strategies you might use to research and organize information about a topic in order to put it all in writing.
Link: https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/04/20/19/00/classroom-732016_640.jpg
Instruction, Modeling and Student Activities
Link: https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/02/19/14/28/nikon-642153_640.jpg
The purpose of an informative/explanatory report is to provide the reader with information or facts about a topic. Biographies, reports, essays, and even manuals fall under the category of informative/explanatory writing.
One extremely important detail is in these types of works, there should
Today 's lesson objective is: Students will be able to determine the central idea of a text.
Why does an author 's purpose matter anyway? Basically, understanding the reason behind the writing will help the reader with the understanding the information. It gets the reader’s mind focused on what he or she will be reading. For example, if you are reading a persuasive text, you will want to read carefully and look for the facts and the opinions and decide if you agree or not agree with the author.
In the world of education, it is crucial for teachers to create and implement efficient high-quality instructional plans that meet the needs and interest of all students. High quality instructional plans align with Common Core State Standards, provide differentiated instruction, meet students where they are, teach learners how to think, and enables them to claim ownership of constructing their knowledge. An effective lesson plan describe particular expectations, tasks, responsibilities, materials and resources, and end results of the lesson. Instructional plans must be designed with the students in mind and focus on the learner’s readiness levels, interest, and preferences. One of the most critical components of an efficient instruction plan is learning objectives. According to Lefrancois (2013) “learning objectives describe what the teacher and the student aim to achieve” (Ch. 1.2). This brief dissertation highlights important elements of three different instructional plans and identify the one that I find to be the most efficient based on research and personal experience.
Recent graduate that is skilled in performing with precision ensuring proficient care for a wide variety of patients with diverse needs. As well as highly organized with refined administrative and clinical capabilities in assisting patents.
From these five main genres, there are 13 sub-genres. A sub-genre is just a category in a category, giving even more ways to classify texts. This sounds like a lot to remember, but it looks much simpler when shown in a chart like the one below:
When you write, you most likely try your best to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do you ever find it confusing and have trouble remembering all of the rules? That is perfectly normal! There are so many rules in the English language relating to grammar, punctuation, and capitalization that
[Prompt the students to think about the learning skills they will need to use to successfully complete this lesson. Ask them to strategize about how to address the material specific to this lesson,
I begin the lesson by sharing the learning goals. Then we review and discuss what we know about expository text and how it differs from narrative text.
In the event that you have at no other time arranged a resume, a resume writing samples is a perfect approach to discover just precisely what you have to incorporate into your resume. One thing you will need to ensure that you incorporate into your resume is your contact data, which ought to be noticeable at the highest point of the page. Another essential part of the resume is the target, which is the position which you would like to pick up by presenting the resume.
Have you had any past experience? Yes, on PvP Masters. I have had an experience of screensharing, my friends always used to hack & i told them to ss and i always found hacks. I have watched a lot of staff series so i know a lot of commands as a staff member: Those include: (Not trying to make my App long just showing how much i know about being a staff member)
Having such a unique nature regarding the budget, the recommendations for involving staff in conducting operations and setting priorities is challenging. Our budget analyst is extremely helpful in guiding us through the maze of proper procedure when making request to access funds. Having taught in public school for many years, it was a challenging transition because there are funds available for expenditures that are impossible in public schools, however accessing them is requires planning and careful attention to detail. The most effective recommendation that can be made for staff in conducting operations is to be organized. Knowing what will be needed for educational and extracurricular activities is essential in receiving approval for expenditures. A solution to this would be to include quarterly updates for staff informing them of any changes in the process, addition of new TERO vendors, restricted vendor access, or obtaining permission to utilize a non-TERO vendor. This recommendation would assist the staff in prioritizing expenditures and receiving requests in a timely fashion. Another recommendation would be to provide new teachers a training session that outlines the nature of the school budget and the process used to access funds. In our school we have coaches, class sponsors and club sponsors that need to access their funds many times throughout the year. Providing these new individuals a flow chart, sample requests, and a list of TERO vendors would be
By the end of this lesson students will know about the English language; understand, appreciate, respond to, analyze and create literature; be
Today 's lesson objective is: Students will write a concluding section that follows from the information or explanation presented.
There are three categories used to organize the reasons why author’s write. In most cases, authors write to inform, entertain, or persuade the reader. Take a look at the information in the chart below to learn more about these
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.A.3- Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.