
Essay on Secrecy at Apple

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Apple Inc. is brand that anyone would recognize around the world. It designs, manufactures, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players (Apple, 2011). The company sells its products worldwide through branded retail and online stores, as well as through third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, and retailers (Reisinger, 2008). Even with Apples proven success records, one factor that I think Apple should consider as the company develops a long-term strategy for growth is to work on lowering its retail cost so it can offer its high-end products to a broader audience. As appeared in a Forbes article in February of this year, Toni Sacconaghi of Bernstein Research …show more content…

By tapping into that market segment with a lower price, odds are they will become brand loyal and will continue to buy higher-end products once they begin collecting a salary after college. The learning and growth perspective identifies the infrastructure the organization, mainly focusing on three key areas, people, systems and organizational procedures that it must build to create long-term growth and improvement (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). Employees are a major intangible asset of any organization, because based on his or her internal skills and capabilities he or she is required to support the value-creating internal processes (Pearce & Robinson, 2011). An organization who identifies gaps between existing capabilities of people, systems, and procedures, can close those gaps by investing in re-skilling employees, improving IT and other support systems, and aligning organizational procedures. The majority of Apple’s business strategy is organized around sales, product design, and worldwide manufacturing and operations, not around its human capital (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). One objective Apple could include in the learning and growth perspective would be to focus deeper on employee commitment and alignment. Evidence of satisfaction is often measured in terms of retention, based on the assumption that a satisfied employee tends to stay with an organization, while a dissatisfied employee will leave

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