
Segmentation, Targeting And Segmentation

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The abbreviation for segment-target-position, the STP process is an essential concept in the study and application of marketing (Kotler & Armstrong, 2014, p. 49). The STP process exhibits the key connections between a general market and how precisely an organization competes in that market. It is essentially referred to as a process, where the segmentation being conducted first, then the choice of at least one target markets, and after that finally the implementation of positioning. The objective of the STP procedure is to basically control the organization to the development and execution of a suitable marketing mix, as highlighted in the accompanying diagram (Figure 1):
Figure 1: STP process of target marketing
Definitions of segmentation, targeting and positioning
As mentioned above, to get a product or a service to the right person or company, marketing team should segment the market first in different defined segment, then while targeting single segment or series of relevant segments, the product or service should be positioned accordingly within the defined segment(s).
Market segmentation can be well-defined as splitting a market into some smaller groups based on product’s …show more content…

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