Gonorrhea is one of many highly contagious sexually transmitted infections caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram-negative intracellular diplococcus. These infectious bacteria can spread through sexual contact and intercourse, as well as transmission during childbirth from mother to fetus. This specific bacterium likes to grow in warm, moist areas of the body. They can multiply very fast and infect the mucous membranes. Gonorrhea is said to infect an approximate 820,000 people in the United States annually. This genus is motile and can stick to surfaces and make it easy to contract. This bacterium contains Opa proteins. Opa proteins in this genus bind to receptors in the immune system. This action makes it possible to prevent an immune response. The infection, N. gonorrhea is not able to develop memory cells against its own kind, meaning it can alter the bodies response the next time around as it was never treated or infected. This later makes it possible to infect the same person.
Gonorrhea can be caught through sexual contact and intercourse. Some forms of transmission are vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, as well as oral intercourse and can sometimes infect the eyes. Not everyone experiences signs and symptoms of gonorrhea, when infected or during the course of infection, therefore making the chances of one knowing you have been infected rather difficult. This can potentially lead to more serious effects such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory
The American economy underwent a tremendous economic transformation between the years of 1790 and 1860. The economic growth can be associated with a number of factors; for instance, changes in transportation, communications, and agricultural production. Therefore, the American traders reaped a huge profit from trade due to the improved communication, agricultural systems, and transport system because they could carry out business without any difficulties and this led to the growth of the American economy.
The transmission of Gonorrhea is strictly direct contact, most commonly transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. Transmission of this contagious sexual disease also includes having direct contact with infected bodily fluids. For example, a mother could pass on the infection to her newborn during childbirth. Gonorrhea is an infection of the reproductive system in either women or men. The invading pathogen enters the body through the spaces
Gonorrhea is an infection with the bacteriaum 'Nisseria gohorrhoea (GC) which causes gonorrheal infections "the second most commonly reported communicable disease" and which are "easily treated with appropriate antibiotics, but drug-resistant strains are on the rise." (Cook County Department of Health, nd)
My article if from the Washington Post titled “Gonorrhea Is More Dangerous Than Ever As Resistance To Antibiotics Grows,” written by Lena Sun. According to the article, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is a drug-resistant diplococcal (coffee bean-shaped) bacteria, which causes gonorrhea and is the second most common infectious disease in the United States. This bacteria is only found after sexual contact with an infected person after the bacteria attach to the nonciliated epithelial cells of the fallopian tube, they are surrounded by the microvilli that draw them to the surface of the mucosal cell. The types of sexual or direct contact that it can be transmitted by include oral, anal and vaginal sex.
The common organisms transmitted through sexual activities are chlamydia, trichominaisis, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis, human papilloma virus, and human immunodeficiency virus. Sites of infection can include oral, genital, and rectal tracts. While some infections may not be cured, all of the common STIs have effective treatments, and early treatments are vital to maintaining the functioning of reproductive systems.
This helps the bacterium stick to cells very easily. The bacteria produce lipopolysaccharide endotoxins. These toxins promote virulence. The lipopolysaccharide of Neisseria meningitides is highly toxic. Another factor that adds to its virility is the antiphagocytic capsule. The pathogens produce IgA proteases this promotes virulence. Many people carry Neisseria meningitides in their upper respiratory tract, but is not part of normal flora. It is only found after sexual contact with an infected person. The bacteria can attach to microvilli of non-ciliated columnar epithelial cells and not ciliated cells. After, this process of attachment by the fallopian tube they are surrounded by the microvilli that draw them to the surface of the mucosal cell. During this process, the membrane retracts and disconnect off a membrane-bound vacuole that contains the bacteria. The vacuole is transported to the base of the cell, where the bacteria are released by exocytosis into the sub-epithelial tissue. Other factors that can contribute to gonorrhoeae can be influenced by the women hormonal changes the cervical mucus may allow passage of organisms and the factor if blood during menstrual uterine which makes this easier into the entry into the fallopian tubes. This is a prime example of how the passage of gonococci can cross over form the uterus and travel to the fallopian tubes, which can cause pain and in other
Gonorrhea, also spelled gonorrhoea, is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Testing all women who are sexually active and less than 25 years of age each year as well as those with new sexual partners is recommended.
In the USA, an estimated 820,000 new Neisseria Gonorrhea infections occur each year. Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported communicable disease in the USA. Less than half of them reported to the CDC. CDC stands for Center for Disease Control. CDC is one of the major operating components of the department of health and human services. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria “Neisseria Gonorrhoeae”. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Is spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is a bacteria that can grow and multiply easily in mucus membranes of the body. Can also grow in the warm moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix (opening of the womb), uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, and in the urethra
Gonorrheal infection is caused by a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STD) that infects both men and women. Based on the clinical manifestations it is difficult to diagnosis Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This is due to the fact that N. gonorrhoeae can cause both symptomatic and asymptomatic genital as well as extra genital tract infection with various symptoms, many of which are similar to those of other STIs. Due to the less specific clinical presentation and inadequate facilities, materials, or personnel for laboratory based diagnosis gonorrhea and other non-ulcerative STIs are difficult to determine. Moreover, there is a lack of reporting mechanism and reluctance to report STIs to the public health authorities.
People who practice anal intercourse can get gonorrhea of the rectum. Even women who do not
Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs are infections that are spread and transmitted by sexual contact at the time of vaginal, anal, or oral sex. It can affect both females and males and it is a serious cause of morbidity in sexually active people. Gonorrhea is caused by bacterium know as Neisseria gonorrhoeae (N. gonorrhoeae). N. Gonorrhoeae is a gram negative bacteria that occurs in pairs (diplococci) and they are facultative intracellular organisms. This disease mainly affects the moist areas of the body, for example, the eyes, throat, vagina, anus, urethra, and cervix. In the United States, 350,062 cases of gonorrhea were recorded in the year 2014. The rate of this disease increased by 10.5%
What is Syphilis? And, how can you contract it? Syphilis is an STD (a sexually transmitted disease) that is highly contagious; due to the fact that many times it goes unnoticed. Syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema Pallidum and affects both females and males. Syphilis is spread by having vaginal, anal or oral sex and remains where you contracted it. Syphilis can also be spread from a pregnant mother to an unborn baby.
The best way to prevent this disease is to protect yourself with contraception’s, and by not having sexual activity with someone who you think may be infectious.
Testing for gonorrhea can be completed by analyzing a urine sample or a swab of an affected area. Swab samples are commonly taken from the penis, cervix, urethra, anus, and throat. Previous infection does not confer immunity - a person who has been infected can become infected again by exposure to someone who is
Sexually transmitted diseases are known as STDs or STIs, which stands for sexually transmitted infections. STDs and STIs are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. STDs affect guys and girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having sex, including oral and anal sex, and having skin to skin contact with an infected area or sore. Common STDs include Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, and C.