
Sleep Deprivation And Heart Disease

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After a long day of exhausting, tiring work, you come home turn on the television, watch it until about two in the morning, and then you close your eyes. Next thing you know it’s 6:30 A.M. and your alarm is blaring in your ear. You get up and go through the rest of the day drowsy, tired, and irritable. It’s 8:30 at night and you’re on your way home and you fall asleep behind the wheel. One thing leads to another, and you wreck your car. This all could have been diverted, if you got the right amount of sleep. Sleep deprivation is becoming more and more common in this fast paced society. People’s schedules are so packed they never get any sleep, and don’t realize the harm they’re doing to themselves until it’s too late. Sleep deprivation has …show more content…

As sleep researchers study sleep and try to unlock the mystery and the main purpose of sleep, they realized that some of the patients with heart diseases sleep deprived. Heart disease can be linked to high blood pressure which is also another health problem linked to lack of sleep. A persons chance of getting heart disease isn't just based on the amount of sleep they get. Exercise, smoking, an unhealthy diet, etc can also contribute to the illness. But sleep deprivation increases the chance of obtaining heart disease. Christina Boufis is a health and medical writer who covers an array of topics, but in her article "How Your Sleep Affects Your Heart" she explains why heart disease can come from lack of sleep. In her article, Boufis says, " One 2008 study from the University of Chicago found a link between shortened sleep and increased coronary artery calcification (calcium deposits), "a good predictor of subsequent coronary artery disease," says researcher Diane Lauderdale, PhD, professor of epidemiology at the university's Pritzker School of Medicine." Christina also agrees with Diane Lauderdale and explains how lack of sleep doesn't cause heart disease, but increases chances. Also in her article, she brings up fifteen different studies that involved about 475,000 people that found that people who suffered from lack of sleep had a forty-eight percent increased chance of attaining or dying from coronary heart disease. With this evidence, researchers and doctors can now help people lower the chance of getting heart diseases all through a simple cure, sleep. Not all heart disease can be eradicated by sleeping more, but this can lower a person's chance of getting it. Doctors have also found that better and longer sleep helps patients already suffering from heart disease. Heart disease can affect anyone, so a good night's sleep is always a beneficial way to the risks of developing heart

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