
Social Learning Theory Paper

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The goal of this project is to create the optimal college living space, one that will maximize student potential and provide opportunities to establish healthy relationships with peers. Where a person stays during their time at college is a large portion of their overall college experience. By providing the best living space and considering psychological goals we are creating a healthy environment in which students will be able to thrive, not only academically but socially too.
One of the psychological theories that was taken into consideration when putting this project together was the social learning theory. This theory suggest that people pick up on behaviors by observing others. It also states that learning can occur by the observation of punishments and reinforcement. Another key point to the social learning theory is that it states that learning is a cognitive process and that social environment plays a role, rather than learning being strictly behavioral.
A great example of social learning theory is Albert Bandura’s well-known Bobo Doll experiment, which was conducted in 1961. The aim of this study was to test observation learning and how children learned and modeled behaviors that they observed. During this study children were shown a …show more content…

Since social comparisons lead to competitiveness it will be beneficial to have a game room. This will provide students the opportunity to take part in healthy fun competition rather than focusing on destructive competition. Other facilities that will be beneficial to students with regard to this theory and self-esteem include a salon and gym. Both of which students will have free access too. These places will help students’ confidence and self-esteem while also giving them something to do. Gyms specifically have many benefits as they are great for both mental and physical

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