Different Platforms, Different Strategies Social media provides an easily accessible way for an organization to inform and educate its customers and potential customers. Social media is used to engage the community,which sets it apart from old news outlets that really only provided one-way communication (Schlinke, and Crain, 2013). How can a company engage the community? They do this by choosing the most appropriate platform and starting those conversations within the community. Therefore, advertisers that use social media should be cautious in creating blanket advertising plans to cover all audiences and all social media (Minton, Lee, Orth, Kim, Kahle, 2012). Every social media platform has a different strategy for using effectively. Some …show more content…
Companies can create their own hashtag to be used with their brand so that people from around the world can post and share the products of your company. Maersk Line, the largest container shipping company in the world, has had major success throughout these social media platforms. Facebook This company entered the social media world with Facebook in 2011. They started out by just uploading photos of the containers, and started generating engagement through comments such as: “Amazing” or “Big Blue Beuts” (Katona et. al., 2014). Facebook is used in a way to engage with followers in a very conversational way and Maersk Line has done an amazing job so far. They even have turned the photos in a fun way using a photo of a giraffe on a containership and the text: “A giraffe on a containership... Read the story of Karaka the giraffe and her journey from Melbourne to Auckland onboard Maersk Aberdeen: http://on.fb.me/uJmHDy.” (Katona et. al., 2014). They have also asked their followers on facebook if they were actual customers through a poll, and they found out that the majority of their Facebook followers were actual customers which was great for them. One thing that Maersk Line has done to separate themselves from other companies on Facebook, is not only tell the positive stories but also the negative stories. One of their negative stories was about a containership striking a whale. Companies normally try to hide any negative stories about them, but this
Social media has become an essential channel for corporations to build a two-way relationship with their customers. However, having a social media account cannot solve everything. To make the best use of social media in keeping a positive relationship with their customers, corporations ought to seek and maintain influence among their followers in social media, and participate in communications with them.
We are successfully utilizing social media as a powerful way to gain positive exposure and connect with our internet-savvy customers in a global and local level. We rely heavily in word-of-mouth advocacy”. (John Mackey, 2012)
One of the key roles of social media from a marketing perspective is the development of a client based platform. It is becoming an increasingly important part of any business’s marketing. Businesses can utilize existing online platforms to build networks of current and potential clients. By being active online allows businesses to connect with their customers in innovative ways to become a trusted source of information and convey the passion they have for their industry.
The use of social media has a very wide variety of advantages and disadvantages for companies. In essence it’s an extremely cheap way to reach consumers, and help them develop a brand perception. Companies can use it to hit a wide audience, and show them about a new product, or deal going on. They can also use social media to develop conversations with their consumers. This can positively shape thoughts and ideas about the brand. Also companies can use analytic services figure out the demographics of who is interested in their
The use of social media marketing has become a standard way in which organizations advertise their products or services. Social media marketing allows consumers to have immediate access to other consumers reviews or to post a review about a product or service. There is engagement between the company and the consumer (Evans, Dave 2010). Social Media emerged in the late 1980’s when websites such as Prodigy, Compuserve and America Online. Prodigy was first of it’s kind and was known as a ”consumer online service”. Half of the page is devoted to advertising. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Hi5, Bebo and Orkut are all social media platforms that are utilized as platforms today.
I had the opportunity to evaluate Delta Airlines’ Social media accounts. I am pleased to say that they are doing a great job on how they promote the company through pictures. The lighting and background of the pictures create a positive atmosphere, which is going to attract more people to travel with Delta Airlines. In addition, I am impressed with the captions because they explain the kind of experience they offer their travelers. The purpose of this executive report is to acknowledge how well Delta Airlines are managing their social media accounts, and how they can improve them to attract more customers/travelers.
Something the target does very well is using social media to their advantage to streamline supply chain. With social media being so popular today there are already many businesses that have turned to social media to not only good feedback from customers but
Social media is not new. Facebook has been around since 2004, YouTube since 2005, and Twitter in 2006. What is new is how social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are affecting the way businesses market their products and services. Never before in our history have consumers been able to communicate so effortlessly with each other and with the businesses they frequent. Never before have businesses been able to interact and react to customer feedback so quickly and efficiently. However, just because businesses have the ability to use social media for their marketing and advertising efforts, does not necessarily mean they should. This paper intends to
Of all the companies listed, the Sprit, Mind & Body shop has the fewest likes on Facebook with only 59, which signifies that it’s reach online is quite limited. On the other hand The Spice House has 8213 Facebook likes, The Herbalist has 3184 Facebook likes and Buy Herbs Online has 595 Facebook likes. Although the number of Facebook likes does not necessarily depict success in social media influence and exposure, it can be used to gauge whether a company is generating the online conversations necessary increase the customer base of the company. An evaluation of Herbal Solutions’s Facebook page clearly shows a lack of interaction between the company and its customers. Also, many of the posts on the page have nothing to do with the core business of the company, which signifies a lack of a messaging strategy.
In today’s business world, social media is being discussed on a daily basis. This phenomenon has taken over the marketing and advertising industries and has changed the way they handle their efforts to attract customers. There is a big misunderstanding that social media are only popular networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, but as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, social media are “forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).” The rise of these online communities has given companies an opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers. This in
Today, many businesses are experiencing the effects of social media. Government, businesses, and communities interact through social media and use it to access their investors and potential customers. According to Donovan (2016), “Most types of businesses today make use of different tactics and techniques to make a significant exposure of their website to its target customers.” The goal is to use social media to maximize their potential in order to be one of the strongest participants in the business world.
In addition to the main website, McKinsey uses Facebook as one of the tools of social media marketing. Their main Facebook page contains posts related to various leaderships programs at McKinsey, news about their clients and current employees, and news related to business world. One of the main purposes of the page is to reach people who matter the most and improve McKinsey’s knowledge about their customers. According to John Wittenbraker (2014), there are different types of relationships that a company may try to establish with its followers in social media. We may assume that McKinsey’s Facebook page aims at new business partners, potential employees, and influential business people. Through their
Social media is capable of connecting a brand with its consumers and discover how they are being perceived, it also has the power to change perceptions and identify the key people within the business network. The unique feature of social media is that it can provide corporations and businesses solutions developed through operating with consumers and stakeholders. Basically, social media serves as a visible connection to one’s corporation and its stakeholders, consumers, suppliers, etc, who each have a defined role within the system to filter and regulate information. As mentioned earlier, the influence of social media is spreading in a proliferative pace that has resulted to an essential transformation in society, technology and business customs.
Businesses use platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as a modern tool to share information with their customers. Facebook offers the option for businesses to create a fan page for their company or product. Twitter allows the use of 140-character posts that users can follow, tweet, or retweet. Blogs are less commonly used, but allow businesses to write in journal type format. YouTube offers a video-library to its users with millions of viewers around the world. There are many other types of social media but most of them follow similar general communication capabilities. Utilizing these
Social media is defined as a group of Internet-based applications which build on the platform of Web 2.0 and the contents of these applications can be modified by all users in a participatory and collaborative method (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Social media creates a platform for companies to talk to their customers as a hybrid element of promotion mix. With the emergence of social media, the tools and strategies for companies to connect with customers have also changed (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). To adapt with the emergence of social media in the marketing, companies should have unique insights about these significances (Quan-Haase and Young, 2010). The significances of social media embody three main aspects which are technology, decision-making and purchase behaviors of customers.