
Som Q Assignment

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Sum Q Assignment 4 The 8 keys to end bullying focus on key 1, which is Know Bullying When You See Bullying. Some people may feel that it’s easy to identify and deal with bullying, however the task is a painstakingly issue with no certain remedy. In addition, when parents express that their child are being bothered, they will consider anything bullying, even though the incident happened once with no repetitive occurrences or harm. Furthermore, choosing the correct words and using the proper terminology is important to know who was involved and what role they played in the incident. For instance, the parent who spoke to Signe said the daughter was being bullied by those kids; nevertheless, the event occurred between two people. Using the words, …show more content…

Helping kids understand the differences between rudeness, meanness and bullying is important to make a distinction of the behaviors. Being rude is impolite and not having respect for another person feeling. Being mean is intentional and deliberate to cause harm or hurt to another person. Bullying is aggressive behavior that’s repetitive and constant towards vulnerable people. In addition to bullying, rough play and real fighting are other elements that need attention. Rough play usually occurs between friends with no intent to harm and the mood is positive. Real fighting occurs when two people intend to hurt each other and the mood is negative. Bullying occurs when people use aggressive behavior to constantly harass and intimidate someone who is usually smaller and physically weaker. Although there are several forms of bullying, it’s essential to differentiate the other forms of aggression. Bullying occurs in four basic ways which are physical aggression, verbal aggression, relational aggression, and cyberbullying. Physical aggression is a form of bullying that involves hitting, punching, pushing and shoving where bullies impose their size on targets that are vulnerable. Verbal aggression is a form of bullying that involves name calling, teasing, and threats to intimidate victims with words. Relational aggression is a form of bullying that involves social exclusion, shunning and rumor spreading with the threat of taking away their friendship. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that involves technology where bullies can torment their victims through social media and electronic

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