
Sony : An Interesting Company

Decent Essays

Sony is an interesting company. Today it is much known for its invention such as, PlayStation or the Walkman. But Sony just as small as any other company. It started in the late 40s. In its early stages it only had a total of eight employees selling radios out of a store. The company grew to fame to its innovation of the portable Walkman. In 1979 song created the first ever portable music player. The Walkman was created by Nobutoshi Kihara and the creator of the company Masaru Ibuka. It was Ibuuka idea to build the Walkman. He told the designer to build something small that you have listen to music on the go. So on July 1st 1979 the Product came on the market. At the time the company made 30,000 Walkman and they hope the consumer would like it and many would sell. Not only did they sell the 30,000 but the number of Walkman sold was unimaginable. The company sold over 400 million Walkman to date. The Walkman was ahead of its time. It premise of the Walkman is still used today. A Portable device that you can plug headphones in and listen to the music of your choice on the go. Some companies only have one great invention but Sony had many that change the electronics world for the better. One of Sony’s biggest scores was the PlayStation. It’s a device that they still make to this day. Today they are making and selling the 4th generation of the game and people still are lining up to get it. The first PlayStation and the start of Sony Gaming was in 1994. At that time people

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