
Source Recruitment And Placement Are Paramount

Decent Essays

Source recruitment and placement are paramount to my operation. In order to get realtime actionable information, it is necessary to have a company insider. Many insider espionage cases are ones of opportunity, in which the person is already in place. This matter is more difficult to accomplish because the insider is yet to be identified or developed. Two methods can be utilized in developing confidential informants: placement into the company and compromising an existing employee. I use the word and as I would rely on multiple informants for ____________. Having researched the companies hiring initiatives, I would introduce prospective employees who are my paid informants into lower level company positions (clerical, cleaning) as my eyes and ears into the organization. These employees would not only serve as an intelligence gatherer but could also “vouch” for other new hires. Once placed, my sources can steal internal documents including mailing lists, plans, schematics, physical security systems and telephone directories (Mendell, 2011). Simultaneously, I would also target those employees who are disenchanted or compromise those who are not. Research would provide a snapshot of target rich environments outside of the workplace; these might include special events, bars or trade shows. Active recruiting takes experience and good intuition. You don 't want to pop the question unless you feel sure the potential informant isn 't going to report it back to the

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