
Starting The Lesson. The Next Section Of The Survey Is

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Starting the Lesson The next section of the survey is geared toward the communication and relationship between students and teachers. It also questions the classroom environment. One of the statements stated, “The climate of the class, evaluated from the pupils’ perspective, is seen as fair: pupils feel that it is okay to say ‘I do not know’ or ‘I need help’; there is a high level of trust and pupils believe that they are listened to; and pupils know that the purpose of the class is to learn and make progress” (Hattie 2012). The teachers all ranked this as generally agree. The teachers at this school do create a great relationship with each student for the most part and make their classrooms inviting and a place where discussions can take …show more content…

The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning” (What is RtI? 2017).
The teachers should be very aware of all the resources available for students. Again, a boost in the communication and relationships of staff members and administrators could also help this situation.
During the Lesson Feedback Feedback is such an important component to learning and I have read so much on many authors and their views of teacher feedback. “For example, feedback like
"Great job!" doesn 't tell the learner what he did right, and likewise, a statement such as "Not quite there yet" doesn 't give her any insight into what she did wrong and how she can do better the next time around. Instead, researchers suggest taking the time to provide learners with information on what exactly they did well, and what may still need improvement. They also note that it can be helpful to tell the learner what he is doing differently than before” (Stenger 2014)
In the survey one statement said, “Teachers: a. are more concerned with how pupils receive and interpret feedback; b. know that students prefer to have more progress than corrective feedback; c. know that when students have more challenging targets, this leads to greater receptivity of feedback; d. deliberately teach pupils how to ask for,

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