
Strategic Marketing : Business World, Tourism And Hospitality Industry Essay

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In the present modern ever competitive business world, tourism and hospitality industry contributes a great portion in any economy. Great Yarmouth has to respond positively to the customer perceptions and expectations with the view to ensuring the quality product and services and delivery of that service. The tourism sector of Great Yarmouth is considered as the single sector which directly and indirectly indicates the economic impact about £531 million per annum and responsible for 29.3% of the district employment (GYTA Annual Publication, 2013). This report is conducted to deal with the present condition of Great Yarmouth as a tourist destination through the analysis with strategic marketing, planning process, environmental analysis and recommended some strategic options for Great Yarmouth for achieving a sustainable source of competitive advantage.
Task 1: The key fundamentals of strategic marketing
Strategic marketing:
The ultimate goal of strategic marketing is achieving a distinctive position (i.e. above average performance) that can give it a sustainable source of competitive advantages (Tsiotsou and Gold Smith, 2012). For a successful implementation of the strategic marketing in Great Yarmouth, the authority can understand the present situation and can set some strategic marketing objectives for the long-term success of the tourism and resort business.
1.1 The role of strategic marketing in Great Yarmouth:
The role of strategic marketing is to

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