
Stress Analysis

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Stress, stressor and stress response might all seem to mean the same thing, but are all defined differently. Most people express or explain stress as pressure or that they feel pressure when they try to accomplish something (Rice, 1999). On the other hand, a stressor is the situation itself from which individuals feel stress and a stress response is the way in which our body acts due to stress, which includes changes in the mental, emotional and physiological well-being (Anisman, 2014). These concepts are important to understand since they can help to determine how and in which ways to reduce stress effectively. However, not all situations of stress are unhealthy or unwanted. Eustress is viewed as positive stress and can benefit mental performance …show more content…

After graduating high school and starting university, many things about my daily routine were changed. My class schedule included more classes per semester and varies every day, with certain classes early in the morning and others late at night. Since there are large fees for tuition, I work more often and longer hours to be able to pay for my degree. This lifestyle has made it difficult to incorporate exercise since not every day is consistent. I have noticed that I prioritize my education over my physical activity since there is a large amount of homework, projects and tests that need attention in order to achieve academic success. Furthermore, since most of my day is spent at school, I have found myself eating food that is readily available instead of well-balanced meals. Long term consequences of not reintroducing physical activity and a balanced diet to return to my recommended body weight can be severe. The extra weight on the body in fatty tissues instead of muscle can add pressure to certain organs, such as the heart and lungs (Kirsta, 1986). It was also shown that obesity can decrease life expectancy in individuals, as much as seven years in reduction and that there is a correlation between obesity and type 2 diabetes (Carson-DeWitt et al, 2015). Since these are just some examples of the serious consequences that can arise due to lack of exercise and healthy nutrition, it is clear why …show more content…

With many different aspects of my everyday life demanding attention, such as school, work, overall health, friends, family and loved ones, I personally find it very challenging to find time for myself to deal and cope with daily stressors at any point of the day. I have always been the type of person to put others before myself, and therefore always tending to other people’s needs before my own. By trying to make myself available to others and never turning down favors or requests, I have noticed that it leaves me mentally exhausted by the end of the day. Kirsta (1986) mentions that it is more common to see a work routine during the day and a resting and sleep routine at night, which can make it difficult to complete very lengthy tasks during the day at the workplace or at home, causing what is called the hurry sickness. This condition is mainly seen in people of type-A personality, who are more at risk to experiencing stress, cardiovascular diseases and anxiety (Kirsta, 1986). Since I associate myself as being a type-A personality individual, it would be important to find a management technique to reduce my risk of developing heart illnesses and anxiety disorders. Organizing time is essential in attempting to reach an optimal balance between work, family and friends, sleep and the self. Generating a schedule which has specific tasks assigned to certain hours or times of the day allows me

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