
Stress In University Essay

Decent Essays

Stress is known for occurring during the overwhelming times throughout students’ university experience. There are three major elements that students face in university that reinforce each other and lead to stress. These three connected experiences can lead to them developing a mental illness if the stress becomes long-term. Firstly, when the academic pressure and work-load for students rises when they come to university, they will feel stressed. Secondly, since university is expensive, it may be very stressful for students to pay for tuition and living costs. Lastly, students who are starting university will face a lack of family support systems, difficulty finding friends, and difficulty leaving home which will lead to them feeling stressed. Stress based on these three factors may have a significant impact on their mental health and academic success.
Firstly, when the academic pressure and work-load on students rises when they come to university, they will feel stressed as they adjust to the change of scholarly expectations. Students in university face the challenges of having more assignments and tougher examinations than in high school, which students may not be prepared for beforehand. The other academic factors that contribute to higher stress levels are familial induced pressure to succeed, scholarship requirements, and higher education requirements (Bedewy and Gabriel). Other factors that also have the highest rate of academic stress are, “course loads, lack of

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