
Summary: Medication Therapy Management Program For Asthma

Decent Essays

Health Care Quality
Medication Therapy Management Program for Asthma
Group # 18
Raymar Arencibia-Hernandez
Priscilla Franco
Eduardo Guizan
Lindsay Musoff
Toai Nguyen
Marco Ramirez
Astry R. Suarez
NSU COP Fort Lauderdale Campus
Bunting BA, Cranor CW. The Asheville project: long-term clinical, humanistic, and economic outcomes of community-based medication therapy management program for asthma. J Am Pharm Assoc 2006;46:133-147
Setting/Practice site:
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services were provided by community and hospital pharmacists at twelve community pharmacy locations in Asheville, NC. In addition, a professional asthma educator provided services at the Mission Hospitals’ Health Education Center …show more content…

The purpose of this study was to see the effect MTM would have on patients with asthma and to determine if a cost effective route was possible towards health care costs. The study included the participation of the patients, employers, healthcare providers, and pharmacists. The study mainly revolved around the practice of such a program where self-education was provided by a certified asthma educator. Amenities from community and hospital pharmacists, as well as waived copayments for asthma medication, were available to the patients. Additionally, the financial factors were covered by the patient’s employers. With the one-on-one interaction and teaching from the asthma educators, which included certified pharmacists, asthma patients in the study began to better manage their symptoms. The records of the pre- and post- study showed that both asthma patients and health care costs had a positive correlation. Patients began to have less severe asthmatic symptoms and visited the hospital less frequently. Therefore, insurances saw a decrease in the financial aspect of the asthma patients. With the efforts of pharmacist-patient interaction in the study, MTM programs have and will continue to produce better results for asthma patients and healthcare

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