
Swot Analysis : Organizational Strategic Management

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SWOT Analysis: Organizational Strategic Management Calvin McLemore St. Thomas University, Miami, FL May 27, 2017 Introduction For this is a SWOT Analysis, this author chose to explore the international retailer IKEA. This organization was chosen because of the emphasis on globalization, international interests and overall functionality of the products. Crandall, Parnell, and Spillan (2013) states that a SWOT Analysis is “based on a systematic, comprehensive analysis of internal attributes, also referred to as strengths and weaknesses; and of factors external to the organization…” (p. 84). This paper seeks to explore those such attributes. Ikea is an international organization IKEA is a household name and …show more content…

SWOT Analysis By exploring the use of a SWOT Analysis, we will look at some of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats, to IKEA. This SWOT Analysis gives us insight into some of the things that have hindered IKEA’s successes and failure. It also details how their threats have impacted their vision, and markets to view competitive advantages and areas of weakness. For clarity, the SWOT Analysis is divided up into 2 – divisions positive and negatives. The positives are strengths and opportunities. The eagtives are weaknesses and threats. One of the strengths is IKEA’s desire and vision for its people and their growth. Why is personal growth important for organizational development? Personal growth is important for organizational development so that a common goal can be met.” As a transformational leader, this writer sees this goal reminiscent of what Bolman and Deal (2013) states: The possibilities for designing an organization’s social architecture are almost limitless, but any option must address two key questions: How do we allocate responsibilities across different units and roles? And, once we’ve done that, how do we integrate diverse efforts in pursuit of common goals? (p. 44) To answer these questions, the needs of the organization are paramount along with the needs of the organization’s most valuable resource, its people. In order to develop a culture that in people-centered, it’s imperative, of

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