
Tarmac Case Study

Decent Essays

Q1): "The marketing function is responsible for communicating the organization’s products and services to its markets in order to generate customer requests for service. For example, market research, marketing activities, etc... Fast food chain as a marketing function it depends on invention promotional materials and advertises on TV". (Nigel, et al., 2013: 6-7).
The Marketing Department plays a necessary role in promoting the business and mission of an organization. It serves as the face of your company, coordinating and producing all materials representing the business. It involves packaging, researching and presenting products and services to consumers. The job of marketing in organizations in today’s world is too important to be …show more content…

This process is more efficient if the company and its customers communicate well because customers will inform Tarmac of their needs. One way of communicating the 'Customer First' approach is through the marketing team. Representatives constantly meet customers; they learn useful information while getting sales orders. It might be gossip for the customer but it is business intelligence for Tarmac. (Tarmac, 2017: …show more content…

Mostly, bad coordination in a company or organization can decrease its productivity no matter what. However, for more clarification, I’ll give an example. If a person has to market a new mobile phone, and due to lack of good communication between the employees of different departments, some of the features were missed and this would cause a bad advertising. The department who is responsible for money is finance which includes budget. When a lack of coordination happens between finance and marketing, marketers might end up with an extra which overtake the budget. "Finance consider as an operation like everything around us except the flesh and blood", so by the example I gave here you can be able to understand how important is to coordinate between operations not only between those two business functions. For an organization it is not an option; it is something natural. Employees just have to work together in harmony and they must have good communication skills. (Miriana, 2014:

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