
The Breakdown Of The Traditional Family Division Of Labour, Instant Communication

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During the late 20th century, the world has witnessed “all sorts of social and technological changes” due to globalisation (Bologun, Sutherland and Oswick, 2015). In fact, the breakdown of the traditional family division of labour, instant communication through technology, and the increased complexity of organisational objectives have favour gender equality and diversity. Those changes have pressure companies to improve their work structure to be more competitive and to the extent that the idea of an effective leadership has come under pressure to change too. Indeed, organisations have become less hierarchical and more decentralised networks where the traditional source of power erode, and talents instead of nepotism are rewarded (Klein, …show more content…

They found out that female and male leaders have equal concern for the task. However, women manifest more concern for an interpersonal relationship than men (Eagly and Johannesen‐Schmidt, 2001). Moreover, using Blake and Mouton (1964) framework, women show a more democratic (or participative) style, which facilitates collaboration, and less autocratic (or directive) style, that don’t enhance followers’ creativity. Thus, according to the contemporary standard, women manifested more appropriate traits for being an effective leader.

Furthermore, Eagly and Carli (2003) also conclude that female leader were more transformational and applied contingent reward behaviours which is one of transactional leadership component. Conversely, male leaders were more likely to involve two other aspects of transactional leadership which are active management by exception (waiting for a follower’s mistake to corrected it) and passive management by exception (waiting for issues to become severe before solving it). Men also show a relatively high interest in laissez-faire leadership. That different categorization of leadership style became popular by Burns in 1978 and then Bass in 1985. Transformational leadership “intellectually stimulate” and “inspire” their

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