
The Effect Of An Environmental Variable On The Catalytic Function Of An Enzyme

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The objective of this lab was to examine the effect of an environmental variable on the catalytic function of an enzyme. To the point, the objective was to perform an experiment to test the effect of pH on the function of the enzyme amylase. Enzymes are proteins that are catalysts for reactions. This means that enzymes lower the energy required for a reaction to take place. Thus, permitting a reaction to take place more easily. Some enzymes are shape specific and lower the energy for certain reactions. Enzymes have unique folds of the amino acid chain that result in specifically shaped active sites (Frankova Fry 2013). When substrates fit in the active site of an enzyme, it is then able to catalyze the reaction. Enzyme activity is affected by both the concentrations of the enzymes and substrate present (Worthington 2010). As the presence of enzyme increases, the rate of reaction increases. Additionally, as the amount of substrate increases so does the rate of reaction. Most enzymes require specific conditions for them to efficiently function. These conditions include temperature, concentration of salt, and the pH level. If the optimum conditions for an enzyme are changed, the enzyme may denature and deactivate. As a result, the enzyme would not be able to catalyze the reaction, and the reaction rate would considerably decrease (Worthington 2010). Amylase is a digestive enzyme. The enzyme is found in the salivary glands in your mouth and cells in your

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