With climate change being upon us, the time to act is now. Evidence of drastic climate changes include the following: record low polar ice caps during the summer of 2012, record drought in California, excessive flooding in the eastern half of Texas and record heat in India. This is all evidence of what our “normal” climate will be like in the future. If we don’t act right now, we will live in a world where cities along the coast like Miami, New York and New Orleans will be partially underwater. Record breaking heatwaves like the Chicago Heatwave of 1995 and the European Heatwave during the summer of 2003 will become a normal occurrence. Furthermore, polar bears will become extinct, since there will be little to no ice in the arctic during the next few years and decades. Therefore, we must be cautious of the actions that we take right now, since the future of our planet is heavily dependent on it. Increased burning of fossil fuels and rising greenhouse gases have both boosted the rate of climate change to unprecedented lengths that we have never seen before. If we don’t reduce greenhouse gases, we will live in a world that is “anywhere from 1.8C (3.24F) warmer (low emissions scenario) to 4C (7.2F) warmer (high emissions scenario) by 2050.” (Freeman & Guzman 1545) Either way, coastal regions will have to cope with rising sea levels, receding coastlines and flooding that could endanger the lives of many. Considering this, the big question is “how has the U.S. engaged with the
The studies of Earth have shown that in the last hundred years, the temperature has gone up one degree Fahrenheit. Even just one degree can make a big difference to the Earth’s natural form. The warming of the Earth has caused the snow and ice to melt much faster and the ocean levels to rise. In the next hundred years the effects will be more severe.
Studies held in Svalbard have shown that the reindeer population has been decreasing it’s body mass. Reindeer born in the 1990’s weighed about 121 pounds, and those born in 2010 weighed about 106 pounds. This issue is a direct result of climate change, which is the expansion of the greenhouse effect, that is being caused by the doings of humans. Climate change indicates warmer winters means more rain. When the rain freezes, it creates a thick layer of ice above their food, which prevents the reindeer from eating, and creating serious competition for other food. The hungry females either aren’t able to give birth or produce babies that are much tinier.
Straightaway, I knew that the topic that I felt was most interesting to me was geoengineering. I felt it was important enough to research since it could affect everyone on the globe. I wanted to know the reasons behind it, so I began the research process questioning if we know enough about climate change to put geoengineering techniques into play. The research process has not only given me time to learn more about a subject I find so important, but I have gained much more knowledge about climate change in general, and the experience has taught me how to critically look at opposing sides to a topic just as intently as I would my own view.
It is widely accepted that climate change could carry out severe problems through the environmental life of the planet. Feature of climate change is the disastrous results that it caused by the people. Oil is might be the most catastrophic material of the underwater life. Oil spills are emissions of petroleum on the surface of an extensive body of water. The aim of this essay is to discuss the main law that linked to this problem and also some legal aspects of three famous cases and their results that exemplified the population. Therefore, pollution causes damages that possibly appear visible for everyone.
The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC, 2014http://www.theccc.org.uk/charts-data/ukemissions-by-sector/buildings/), have a great potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainable development in the future. One of the non-neglect issue to reduce the energy use and CO2 emission of building is in the construction phases. The embodied carbon accounting 20-50% of the total
“Some men aren 't looking for anything logical, like money. They can 't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” -Christopher Nolan
Melting ice caps, intense heat waves, and rising sea levels are all clear indicators that the climate is changing. Many scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict a temperature rise of two to ten degrees Fahrenheit over the next century (“Global”). The future forecasts also calls for greater intensity hurricanes, droughts, and an ice free arctic. The public does not believe that climate change will significantly affect them but it will and already greatly has. Many different factors come into play when trying to find a cause for the changing climate, but a major one is greenhouse gases produced by human activities.
Throughout Earth’s 4.6 billion year history, Earth’s climate has been constantly changing. Prior to the humans and the industrial revolution, climate change been driven naturally by variations of solar energy, volcanic eruptions, and Earth’s orbit. We are currently in a period where these changes are occurring naturally, and saying the cause of climate change is from human activity is ridiculous! Greenhouse gases, which include water vapor, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O), have always been in the atmosphere. Without these gases, the Earth would not be habitable to most life because of the fluctuations of the amount of heat given off from sun (-18°C)! We need these greenhouse gases to capture the sun’s rays in periods of low radiation and heat the planet to sustain life on Earth. Greenhouse gases reflects infrared light back to the Earth’s surface where more heat absorption takes place, making the planet habitable. Since solar radiation varies, periods of the earth’s global temperatures will increase and decrease, due to this natural cause. When the sun’s radiation increases, which is in a historically high period according to astrophysicist, Judith Lean, the natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will trap the sun’s heat and therefore increase the earth’s temperature.
The amount of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions that are produced and released in the atmosphere from Canada, the United States (U.S), and many other countries, is a big issue for the planet’s health since it causes climate change. Climate change has various damaging effects on the earth. It can cause severe weather such as floods, droughts, etc. Some political parties agree that a carbon pricing policy should be implemented, like the Green party, New Democratic Party (NDP), and the Liberals, while other parties think that it isn’t worth implementing, like the Conservatives. Implementing a carbon policy will take a lot of time, effort, and money, and might unfairly target those who are at a disadvantage, like low income people or those living in remote areas, making them pay more taxes. But to avoid the harmful effects of climate change, Canada needs to implement a carbon pricing policy—a method that has made a significant change in many countries that decided to tax or cap carbon emissions.
In a world filled with seven billion people minding their own business, very few will take a second and look at the world around them and how it has been ravaged, even damaged beyond repair since our first evolutionary ancestors took their first few steps in this planet from being mere apes. Whole ecosystems, which used to flourish, are now nonexistent. Entire species of plants and animals, who used to dot the various landscapes of the world, are now nearly extinct if not already extinct. Greenhouse gases emitted from human activity has also resulted in a higher likelihood of extreme weather anomalies to occur due to the side effects of climate change on the planet (Buhaug, 2016). If drastic measures are not taken in due time,
In another matter, this is not the first time that climate change has affected the planet in the past there were many problems to the earth millions of years ago. There were five major ice ages from the longest and first scientists believe occurred was two point four to two point one billion years ago during the early Proterozoic Eon there was an ice age formed and it was the Huronian. The second ice age was the cryogenian and it has been known that it produced a snowball earth in which permanent sea ice extended to or very near the earth's equator; this period occurred from eight hundred and fifty to six hundred and thirty million years ago. The third ice age that occurred was the Andean-Saharan it occurred during the Paleozoic from fout
Due to recent climate change the environment has been impacted in many ways. Climate Change is a change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels (Oxford Dictionary). Scientists have studied the impacts it 's having on the environment such as temperature rising, sea level rising, and increase in natural disasters. Climate change has only affected us in the 20 years due to the increase in factories cars, and CO2 we produce.
Through the decades’ people are seeing the effects on this planet that have been caused by climate change. But people are unaware that these weather patterns are abnormal, and need to be fixed before it is too late. There are major droughts, and record breaking high temperatures in places like California and in the Middle East while there are floods and hurricanes in Houston and Florida. The world seems like it is falling apart slowly, but some even wonder if there is enough evidence to prove that it is happening because of climate change, or global warming. Some people argue that it is just a hoax, and the earth is perfectly fine. However, it is a big coincidence that most people that say it is a hoax are gaining money by tearing down forests and polluting the air. The world population needs to be aware that some of the natural disasters happening are because of global warming. This planet’s climate and environment has been deteriorating, and it is not a coincidence that this is happening because of fracking, deforestation, and pollution. Some scientists believe it is too late to reverse the damage that we have done to Earth while some other scientists believe there is still a small window to at least slow down the effects that will happen. People are at fault for Earth’s climate change. It is crucial that the people try as much as they can to help stop climate change, so kids of the future do not have to live on an ugly and disastrous planet.
Climate change can be a very controversial topic because many people are skeptical about whether or not it is caused by humans, or if it even exists. Regardless of whether people believe in climate change or not, there is an immense amount of evidence to support that the earth’s core temperature is slowly rising, and humans are directly causing it. Everything humans do impacts the earth in some way. Many of the resources needed for everyday life are retrieved in ways that are harming the planet. For example, burning coal for energy releases immense amounts of chemical pollutants into the air.
Ice melting at the earths poles, sea levels rising at increasing rates, increased precipitation, and the vast migrations of millions of animals to cooler climates all are impacts of increasing temperatures that are happening right now. Within the next century, sea levels will rise 7 - 23 inches, Storms will become much stronger, floods/droughts will become more common, and many, many other negative environmental changes (Cook). These changes in the environment have been the topic of debate for decades, but has become more and more common over the past few years.