The findings from my current research indicate that it is true that poor nutrition negatively affects the academic performance of the students. Also, the study shows that when the students are given meals with good nutrient content, it is significant because it supports their growth and development as well as improve their cognitive development (Langford, et. al, 2014). The study showed that majority of the students who performed poorly in their tests are the one that is fed in meals that lack nutrients. Those participants who prefer nutritional choices that are full of fruits and vegetables recorded better academic achievements. Since the study reveals that poor nutrition contributes to the poor academic achievement of the students, the …show more content…
al, 2014). This survey did not assess the associations between academic performance and health of the students.
Most of the policy makers and researchers have focused more on the perspective for health to enhance intellectual function, academic performance and learning among school going children. These studies have shown that well-being and health are important aspects required for appropriate learning (Jensen, 2013). On the other hand, numerous researchers had acknowledged the association between poor nutrition and school performance among children. This means that the kind of food children consumers may affect their school attendance, attention and concentration on class, cognitive development, and even academic achievement (Luo, 2012).
A study conducted by Bradley & Greene (2013), has revealed that poor nutrition among the school going children is the cause of health problems which hinder learning in schools. For instance, when some children possess auditory and vision impairment due to malnutrition, their learning is greatly affected, and this can contribute to poor academic achievement. The recommendation from the study indicates that to improve the quality of education and academic performance of the school-going children; there should be efforts to enhance the health and nutrition status that the
As adults, they are also at an increased risk for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) compared with those not overweight as adolescents.” It is important to help reduce the growing trend of obesity in children and young adults, as it has been documented in recent studies that children who are overweight tend to carry this problem with them into adulthood. Revitalizing the school lunch program would be an incremental place for the government to start revamping the obesity problems that they have caused in children. David Satcher stated in HEALTHY and Ready to Learn that, “Well-nourished students tend to be better students, whereas poorly nourished students tend to demonstrate weaker academic performance and score lower on standardized achievement tests. The majority of U.S. children are not eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. Inadequate consumption of key food groups deprives children of essential vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins necessary for optimum cognitive function (Tufts University School of Nutrition, 1995). Children who suffer from poor nutrition during the brains most formative years score much lower on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and general knowledge (Brown & Pollitt, 1996). In a 1989 study, 4th graders with the lowest amount
Diet: The food children and young people eat makes a difference to growth and the ability to keep healthy and well. Children's ability to concentrate and learn is known to be made possible by the provision of a good diet. This makes it an important area of debate.
Improper meals are connected to academic and behavioral problems. “Today in the United States, 1 in 6 children suffers from a disability that affects their behavior, memory, or ability to learn.” “Children's brains are built differently depending on what they are fed when they are rapidly growing. Healthy brains are about 60% structural fat.” This shows that a significant number of children have a sort of problem that is
Children in need of these nutrients can suffer from stunted growth never reaching potential height. Statistics have shown stunted growth children score significantly lower on intelligence tests than do normal children. Hunger interferes with physical, emotional and academic development. According to Freedom from Hunger, “more than 4 million children will die due to hunger related causes.” NASW(2016) shows an important connection food security and nutrition play in physical and mental health.
When children do not eat a healthy meal, their concentration and energy become more difficult to manage. The “Journal of School Health” issued a study in 2008 about the eating behaviors of approximately 5,000 school children. The research showed that children who ate more fruits and vegetables, accomplished higher grades on tests compared with children who consumed a high-fat, high-salt diet
It also presents an opportunity to marshal public support behind efforts to address it. A recent survey commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America’s Health found that 73 percent of respondents, representing a broad geographical and political spectrum, agreed that preventing childhood obesity is an important priority for government. A majority (56 percent) said that investing in a comprehensive program to combat childhood obesity is worth it, even if it would increase government spending by billions of dollars a year during a difficult economic time. IT’S AN ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ISSUE A growing body of research connects better nutrition with higher achievement on standardized tests; increased cognitive function, attention, and memory; and an array of positive behavioral indicators, including better school attendance and cooperation. Hungry teens are more likely to be suspended from school, experience difficulty getting along with other children, and have no friends. Undernourished children are more likely to repeat a grade and require more special education and mental health
Learning information depletes the brain's supply of glucose. It is important to refuel children's glucose levels with a healthy lunch. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein are options that are highly effective in improving academic performance. It is scientifically proven that after a child eats a large, non-healthy meal, they feel more tired due to the body's process of digestion. A student eating significant amounts of less nutritional food can be harder to digest and make their bodies work harder. A healthy lunch can give children the energy they need to stay focused, pay attention in class, and learn the information presented to them in their classes after lunchtime.
Because school-aged children’s families are busy, they have more of a potential for skipped and/or missed meals, which leads to fast food intake. This places the child at risk for obesity and metabolic disorders. This again leads back to parenting. Education is important when it comes to nutrition.
The improved nutritional standards of public school lunches benefit one’s individual health by providing them with the necessary nutrients to human
In the United States many citizens face hunger, starvation and malnutrition on a daily basis. This food insecurity affects millions of Americans. Food insecurity is caused when Americans don’t have enough money to purchase food for themselves and their family. When children experience hunger if affects them both physically and psychologically. “Children who are denied an adequate diet are at a greater risk of not reaching their full potential as individuals. Undernourished youngsters have trouble concentrating and bonding with other children and are more likely to suffer illnesses resulting in school absences.” (Karger, p 371) It is important for children to meet their full potential in order for society to continue thriving into the future. If children are not receiving an adequate education because they have an empty stomach, then they will not continue to higher education or they will do poorly. In order to combat hunger in children the federal government responded with several major programs. Two of the programs the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are targeted towards school age children. These programs provide students with breakfast and lunch while they are at school.
According to National Heart Lung and Blood institute, in America, 1 in 6 kids are obese. Although obesity might not seem that much of a big deal, it is. Childhood obesity can lead to much worse health problems later in adulthood, such as higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, and even cancer, among many chronic health issues all caused by obesity. Many kids get about half of their daily calories at school, and for some, school is where they get all of their daily calories. Since school plays such a big part in affecting the lives of many kids across America, special attention should be shown to nutrition. This can help kids with obesity, as well as kids that don’t have much food at home to eat and only rely on school food. For many poor kids, they don’t have a lot of healthy foods at home, because they can’t afford it. So, they rely on cheap school food for their vitamins and nutrients. Because cafeteria foods, like hamburgers or beef and cheese nachos, are highly processed and filled with unnecessary fat ,those kids that rely on school for food won’t get the nutrients and vitamins they need and will go home hungry. Since kids are growing up, it is especially important for them to get the right food they need to grow up healthy and strong, and in a place full of kids that are growing up, it is only right to provide them with good and healthy food that will allow the kids to grow up into healthy adults without obesity, malnourishment, or any kind of health
According to the U.S.D.A, (2008), “Some schools say that in order to satisfy students and keep up revenues, they may need to offer foods lower in nutritional quality.” Some say school is supposed to be the place that we lay the foundation to teaching children good, healthy habits that will benefit them for the rest of their life. The actual training of good habits start at home with the continuation at school. Most children do not prefer the taste of healthy foods, but it is important to teach our children at a young age, to eat healthier foods so they can grow up to be healthy
Hunger has been a prevalent issue in both established communities and struggling nations around the globe. It seems that there has never been a time when every person on the planet was food secure, and while it is typically assumed that hunger is an issue only in developing nations, malnutrition and hunger are concerns even in the United States. Millions of children across the country live in homes where food is scarce and meals are skipped on a regular basis. Because research supports the connection between nutrition, good health, and cognitive ability, it is critical that methods of addressing food shortages for minor children be found. One solution, the School Breakfast Program, seeks to provide healthy breakfast meals for children
Of all of the problems that dishearten children today, the one that bothers them the most is being unhealthy. Five out of six students from the Manalapan Englishtown Middle School agree that there should be a change in the schools' cafeteria foods; they came up with a solution to help kids be healthy. Unhealthy foods should be eliminated in schools for many reasons. First of all, kids concentrate better when they are healthy. Being healthy helps children to concentrate better because if they are healthy in the inside and the outside, they will not have to worry about their health or how they look. Secondly, having only healthy foods in school help parents to take good care of their kids. For instance, imagine a mom that is a seventh
Better nutrition in schools is critical being students will eat food that is better for them. Research shows students that eat school meals are more likely to obtain a healthier weight than students that bring a lunch if the school abide National School lunch program (NSLP). This shows that school lunch is healthier by