
The Four Types Of Consumer Buying Behaviour

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Promotion is defined by Merriam Webster as “the furtherance of the acceptance and sale of merchandise through advertising, publicity, or discounting”.
Consumer Buying Behaviour is defined as “the result of the attitudes, preferences, intentions and decisions made by the consumer s in a market place before buying a product”. There are four types of consumer buying behaviour. They are: complex buying behaviour, variety seeking buying behaviour, Promotional Activities, makes consumers communicate with producers, such as media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion, business promotion, trade promotion, public relations, packaging, store displays, website design, and direct personnel.
The promotional strategy has become an …show more content…

Researchers in marketing have studied about consumer behaviour what they like, what they purchase, what makes them happy, how they behave and how they consume products. Promotional activities will give clear and accurate picture to consumers about the goods and services of the organisation. Promotions include three purchase dimensions which describe purchase strategy of consumers’ which was described by Blattberg, Peacock, and Sen (1976, 1978) i.e. Brand equity, Brand Loyalty and price sensitivity. Different companies use different promotion activities based on consumer’s behaviour.
As most of the literature explains consumers prefers sales promotions most primarily coupons as consumers always try to find discount coupons or cashback coupons for any purchase. As coupons provide immediate discount on price and also they can be reimbursed for future purchases. Even consumers are willing to try sample process. A free sample allows to trail a product which they want to purchase. It is one of the most used promotional activity to know the consumer behaviour on a

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