
The Importance Of Decision Making As Well As What, Who, Where, And When

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Qualitative research
Qualitative research is concerned with developing and applying mathematical, statistical and econometrics models to test hypotheses involving a natural phenomenon (Patton, 2005). The qualitative research approach is made up of many research methods. The goal is to examine the why and how of decision making as well as what, who, where, and when. Qualitative methods have basis in political sciences, social work, special education and education researchers
At the beginning of the 20th-century scientists rejected the theoretical idea that there exist an objective in the world which can be applied to collect data and be used to verify the data empirically which was referred to as positivism. The researchers opted …show more content…

Interviews, focus groups, and observation are the methodologies used to collect data on sensitive issues in the society. Data collection in qualitative research is cost efficient.
Despite the merits of this methods, there exist limitations that hinder the effectiveness of qualitative research methods. The findings of the research cannot be generalized to the whole study population. Unlike the quantitative methods where the findings are pervasive in qualitative methods, the results are only related to small groups of people. The data collected through this approach is difficult to analyze since there are no standard tools for interpreting such data. The data do not fit nearly in the standard categories which means it would take the time to analyze data. Data collection is time-consuming because of the open-ended questions formats where the respondents take time to respond to such questions. Soliciting for explanations also take time.
The purpose of qualitative research is trying to understand some suspect of social life in the society. It seeks the why and how of decision making in human beings.
Qualitative research designs
What are some qualitative research methods?
The three most common qualitative research designs, explained in detail in their respective modules, are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and focus groups. Each of the methods is particularly suited for obtaining a particular type of data.
•Participant observation is

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