
The Marketing Of Green Marketing Theory Essay

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Green Marketing Theory
Since the 1970s, non-mainstream marketing concepts have started challenging traditional mainstream marketing concepts. For example, traditional marketing strategies resulted in over-exploitation, waste of resources and enterprises ignored environment deterioration. Under such strategies, enterprises only concern profit but ignores harms to consumers’ health and destroys the balance of environment. Because of these, the marketing theoretical circle started a serious discussion on how to balance the relationship of business operation and environment protection. Many influential marketing theories were raised.
In 1979, Henion first presented the definition of greeen marketing. He assumed that the programs and activities of green markeintg are foucing on the environment –friendly sectors, According to Chamorro and Bañegil, green marketing is the way to conceive exchange relationships that goes beyond consumers’ current needs while taking social interest in protecting the natural environment into consideration (Chamorro & Bañegil, 2006, p. 12). Likewise,
Green marketing defined by Soonthonsmai (2007) as organizations that are concern about ecology or green problems provide the environmentally friendly goods or services. Actions carried by organizations can bring satisfaction to consumers and the community. Rahman, Reynolds, and Svaren (2011) also define green marketing in the journal article “how ‘green ‘are North American hotels?” Referring to their

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