
The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey

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The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
In this book Ken Blanchard uses his writing abilities to present some helpful insights into the world of organizational management. This book is perfect for someone who feels overwhelmed with the problems created by other people, the book can change their life. The major lesson taught by the book is, “how to save time to do what you want & need to do.” By using the 4 rules of monkey management laid out in this book a manager can free themselves from doing everyone else’s job and ensure that every problem is handled by the proper person. These rules will also help managers become effective supervisors of time, energy and their own talent.
The book begins with a monkey manager whom worked for long, hard hours, yet never quite seemed to get caught up with all the work he had to do. Sick of this life he knew there had to be a better way. Eventually he learned about monkey management and how not to take initiative away from his people so they can care for and feed their own monkeys. Through this be became a better manager and better understood the demands of his organization. His career performance soared and his department excelled.
Back in the day, being a manager was a much more novel task and performance was measured by one’s own accomplishments and abilities. Modern day managers can commonly find themselves doing more and not being able to focus on what is important. As a result they find themselves doing more but in reality getting

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