
The Physics Of Computer Science

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There has been vast and rapid development in the field of computer science since last couple of decades. From the abacus- early counting device, Napier’s Bones, Pascal’s Calculator, Leibnz Calculator, Analytical Engine, ENIAC, Transistors to Super Computer these has been a drastic sophistication in the field of computation. This pace can be seen and felt around us. Scientist has already developed and involved in the further advancement of quantum computers through different experiments which is believed to be the future of next generations top notch computation tools.
The application of physical reality that quantum theory explains about the purpose of performing tasks that were before assumed to be impossible of infeasible outputted quantum information processing. The vast devices that are utilized to perform quantum information processing are known to be Quantum Computers. The word Quantum Computing itself means “study of theoretical computation systems (quantum computers) that make direct use of quantum- mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement to perform operations on data.
Neil Gershenfeld (professor at MIT and director of MIT’s center for Bits and Atoms) said if this trend of making transistors smaller and smaller sustained with the pace as in recent years, then by 2020, the width of a wire in a computer chip will be no more than size of a single atom, where the rule of classical physics will no longer be pertained. (Manay, 1998,

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