
The Role Of A Teacher

Decent Essays

“Regardless of what a student may face at home or out in the world, the teacher has the ability to be the best part of that student’s day” (teachercast). Around the world children face many challenges throughout their everyday life. Teachers have the ability to help them overcome these challenges and make something of themselves. Teachers play a big role in motivating students, especially those that do not get motivation or support at home. Many relationships teachers and students have comes from the amount of effort and motivation a teacher is willing to put into the student. “When a student is feeling down or has hit a wall, their teachers have the ability to help them punch through to the other side. The relationship between the student and the teacher is unique” (teachercast). Other ways a teacher can also make students feel inspired and respected is by helping them to get involved or by having them participate in many activities such as decorating the classroom, or assigning students to do certain tasks along with other students. “Giving students a sense of ownership allows them to feel accomplished and encourages active participation in class” (teach). “A good teacher not only improves a child's test scores in the classroom, but also enhances his or her chances to attend college, earn more money and avoid teen pregnancy” (CNN). Teachers not only help children in the classroom, but have many impacts on a child’s adulthood and future. Children who have had

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