
To find any problems that may be encountered arising from an online

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To find any problems that may be encountered arising from an online presence and also any key business opportunities and how the online presence could improve the Heritage Park business.

1 The beginning

1.3 Terms of reference

The deadline of this report is 7th January 2005 and the purpose of it is to find any problems that may be encountered arising from an online presence and also any key business opportunities and how the online presence could improve the Heritage Park business.

1.4 Methodology/Procedures

To do this report I will be finding out what major barriers there are to a business with an online presence and also the potential of development of E-commerce to a business. Once I have found out the major, and …show more content…

Heritage parks aim is to expand the business and their objectives are to fill up all their business and room spaces, increase the awareness of the existence of the hotel and to increase the wedding trade as well as other special occasions. The achievement of these aims and objectives may be supported by the online presence because tourists and companies on business trips may be looking for a hotel in the area that specialises in various activities. Since the hotel has a wide range of amenities they can cover the majority of their customers’ interests and for business meetings the hotel has rooms especially designed for the purpose.

The online presence of the hotel means that the customers can actually see pictures of the hotel, leisure centre, bedrooms, restaurant and business rooms giving the customer an idea from where they are sat rather than having to visit the hotel first. Online booking is effective as it is a much quicker way of bringing money into the business. Customer feedback and guest books will give new customers a brief view on what previous customers have thought of the hotel and whether it is a good hotel or not.

There may be problems that the management would encounter with an online presence which could be the

· Cost
· Fraud
· Trust from customer
· Training
· Data loss

Cost would be the main problem of an online

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