
Tuberculosis : An Airborne Disease Caused By A Bacteria That Goes

Better Essays

Shannon Mathis
HST - 8
9 April 2015
TB Paper Tuberculosis is an airborne disease caused by a bacteria that goes by the name of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. This bacteria is a rod-like shaped and can be very hard to treat, especially if it become multidrug-resistant. Many people have it and don’t even realize it because they have a certain type of TB called latent TB infection. This is when you have the tuberculosis bacteria in your body but it hasn’t started multiplying. There are different tests for it and different medications people can take to treat it. Young adults, HIV positive patients, smokers and any other patients that have illnesses that weaken their immune systems are the people most likely to get tuberculosis. It is said that HIV patients are 26 to 31 times more likely to become ill with TB. There are three different types of testing that can be done on a patient who might have TB. The first test someone can take is a Tuberculin skin test, also known as Mantoux tuberculin skin test. This test consists of sticking a small needle just underneath the skin, injecting a fluid called tuberculin in. After 48 or 72 hours the patient will come back and the health care worker will look at the small bump the tuberculin has created under the skin. If the tuberculin has swelled up and gotten bigger than it’s supposed to, the health care worker will measure it and tell the patient if they are positive or negative for tuberculosis. The bump may turn red, but that does

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