
Unit 13 – Investigating Recruitment and Selection

Better Essays

BTEC National Business Management
Unit 13 – Investigating Recruitment and Selection

Assignment 1 (P1):- Recruitment planning

You are an administration assistant at Ashton Consultants. You have been asked to prepare a report (using the correct format) outlining how Alton Towers and Ashton 6th Form College plan recruitment using internal and external sources. You should structure your report as outlined below in task 1.

This assignment assesses:

P1 Identify how two organisations plan recruitment using internal and external sources.

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|P1 |Task 1 …show more content…

| | |
| |Draw up a person specification for the job using the correct format. |
| | |
| |They could include some or all of the following: |
| | |
| |Job description |
| |Person specification |

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